Author Topic: hi .... Dr Vikh or Dr karadis or Dr. Nurein ....???  (Read 2274 times)

Offline ley1

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Hi i'd really appreciate it if any of you guys could give me feedback on any of these surgeon??? ??? ? Many thanks!!!

Offline wakenbake123

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I had surgery with Mr Vik Vijh at BMI Priory Hospital it went well and he did incision through the armpit. Initially i wanted to go Poland but i decided I would pay more for Armpit incision and UK based surgeon.

I had a big glands and fat removed, I can now wear t-shirts without worrying about Gyno. Wish I had pictures but lost them when i changed phone, Mr Vijh said one of the biggest he had seen.

At consultation he was very good, explained risks identified type of gyno and showed pictures of similar cases. Was very clear about it hurting severely and long recovery process. (Wasn't as bad as described) 

Aftercare, he was different, he tried to make it as quick as possible I wasn't bothered but it does make you wonder if you had a bad result would he want to know?

Spent 2 mins with me after surgery had a brief look and went, similar with aftercare consultation though in fairness I did have a good result. 

You have to pay for your own compression tops as he only provides a temporary stomach band one after surgery. Again probably the same with all of them.

I wouldn't do it in the summer though, I would wait till winter or at least till it cools down.


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