I first posted here a few years back, when I was looking for a surgeon in Houston. I had to leave the country for a while, and I am only now able to resume my search . . .
I’m 5’8” and 155 pounds and average 8-12% body fat. I have an ectomorph build. I don’t smoke, drink, and have never used drugs. Here is my story:
I have had two prior gyno surgeries. So, I am a bit nervous about undergoing a third. My gyne is not that bad--see pics below—but bad enough that I have been thinking of a third surgery for a couple of years now.
I am now in my late 30’s. When I was in my mid 20’s I visited a LA surgeon (
I have not seen his name on this board)
specifically for gyno surgery (no lipo to stomach, etc.). I
thought we were clear on what would go down in the operating room: excise the tissue, glands, and lipo away the fat in the chest area. On the
freaking table, right before I went under, the nurse tells me,
“the doctor has decided he will not cut anything out, he will just use the canula; he can get it all with that.” Although, I was stunned, pissed off, and in a helpless state, I asked the PS why he would not cut. He said he could get the same results, and be less evasive, with the canula alone. So, under I went . . . .
The result was predictable. Although there was a reduction in the overall size, the gnyo was obviously still there. Summary for #1: gyno reduced in size but still obviously there. I paid about $3,000.00 for this.
Fast forward five years. Still tired of my gyno’ed up chest, I decided to give it another try. For the second surgery, I used a PS in Houston (
I have not seen her name on this board). I went in thinking that excision was the only sure way, but she convinced me that the canula was all I needed (since surgery #1 had already got most of it out). She was also going to do lipo of my stomach, sides, and love handles.
The gyno was reduced somewhat, but it was (and is) still there. The sides and stomach lipo went OK, although I should have taken her up on a touch-up (left-over fat pooled in the center of the stomach). The love handles however, were not reduced to any noticeable degree. Summary for #2: stomach and sides looked good, love handles still there, gyno still there. I paid about $5,500.00 for this.
Well here I am now,
10+ years after the first surgery (to end all surgeries), and I am still dealing with this gyno problem. I’ve spent the past few days getting up-to-speed on the posts—especially regarding Houston area surgeons.
I do not have much disposable income, so the decision to do another surgery has a strong financial element to it. I had to work long and hard to get the money together for the first two surgeries. I now have more responsibilities, more people depending on me (i.e. a family), and less free time to get it done (i.e. being discrete). So, if I do a third surgery—and I definitely think I need one—I need to make sure it is done the most effective way, and by the most talented PS I can afford.
Based on what I read on this board, excision seems to be the only “guaranteed” way to get everything out. Based on what I have read here, I have narrowed down my choices to Drs. Weiner, Bermant, and Delgado. Although getting cut in Houston would be ideal, I am willing to travel to get this done right once and for all.
I appreciate any comments you have. I’ll also try to answer your questions.Here are MY questions:
1. Has anyone used
Dr. Mentz in Houston? His website
http://www.drmentz.com/procedures_for_men/index.asp seems to say the right things, and is convincing, but what about his track record? Also, his “pectorial etching” technique sounds promising; or, is it just a more colorful way of describing the canula only technique. . .
2. I am scheduled for a general physical soon. What should I ask to determine if my gyno is a chronic problem? Is there any special test to request?
3. What is the recommended time to stay out of the sun post-op (to prevent discoloration of the areola scar)?