Author Topic: Question about gland.  (Read 3730 times)

Offline Bolognianips

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I think I have a fairly good understanding of Gyne, thanks to this site, and the Dr. S that frequent here.  However I'm courius as to how people identify what is actually gland.  I am certain that I have it (from 8% body fat and up, never been below that) , but dont know if mine is typical.  People talk about a hard lump behind the nipple.  I have a void directly behind the nipple.  I would say its more like an innertube thats about 1/2" all around but in a large circle just on the inside of the areola (when puffy) and extending about 1/4" outside the edge of my areola.  Hopefull you get what I mean, but its like a innertube that I can st1ck my little finger in the middle and pinch all around it with my thumb in a circle.  In all I would say its about a 2" diameter circle with a 1/2" diameter center.  I wouldnt call it hard either, but you can certinaly feel it drop off when you move away from the center, and it becomes normal tissue.

Anyone else have a gland like this?  Maybe I'm just confused because people keep saying they have a hard thing behind thier nipple, but they actually mean areola and nipple perhaps. 


Left to right
first ( = end of gland; { = areola; second ( = Beggining of gland; 0 = void in center;

Offline Bolognianips

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Ok, I just thought of a better way to describe it!  Its like somone took a gummy worm, and made it into a 2" diamiter circle and centered it in my nipple and areola with the middle hole right below my nipple..  I mean damn near exactly what if feels like..  Beware of gummy worms!

Offline Paa_Paw

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The truth is that you cannot be completely sure. Self diagnosis is sure to be incorrect, and even the best of surgeons are not always sure until after the surgery is over.

We were all born with the beginnings or buds of glandular breast tissue and the breast area is a normal place for fat to deposit, even in men. The usual case is that there is some glandular tissue in and through a mound of fat.
Grandpa Dan


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I think I have a fairly good understanding of Gyne, thanks to this site, and the Dr. S that frequent here.  However I'm courius as to how people identify what is actually gland.  I am certain that I have it (from 8% body fat and up, never been below that) , but dont know if mine is typical.  People talk about a hard lump behind the nipple.  I have a void directly behind the nipple.  I would say its more like an innertube thats about 1/2" all around but in a large circle just on the inside of the areola (when puffy) and extending about 1/4" outside the edge of my areola.  Hopefull you get what I mean, but its like a innertube that I can st1ck my little finger in the middle and pinch all around it with my thumb in a circle.  In all I would say its about a 2" diameter circle with a 1/2" diameter center.  I wouldnt call it hard either, but you can certinaly feel it drop off when you move away from the center, and it becomes normal tissue.

Anyone else have a gland like this?  Maybe I'm just confused because people keep saying they have a hard thing behind thier nipple, but they actually mean areola and nipple perhaps. 


Left to right
first ( = end of gland; { = areola; second ( = Beggining of gland; 0 = void in center;

Fat tends to be soft, gland tends to be firm.  Fingers of gland often dissect between fingers of fat.  Look at this drawing and move your mouse over the arrows.  However, gland can be soft and fat firm confusing the picture.  Gland tends to be located under the nipple and pinching pressure can sometimes tether to the nipple pulling it in.

Unfortunately, it can be difficult to distinguish just what is causing the problem.  Gynecomastia male breasts can be fat, gland, or most commonly a combination of both.  Sometimes skin and sagging tissues can be a factor.  Pseudo Gynecomastia is supposed to be fat only gynecomastia.  The problem with that "classification" is that in almost every case of gynecomastia I have seen there is some component of gland.  This gland can be very small, but it is present almost all the time.  So do you have Pseudo gynecomastia when there is a 1%, 10%, 50%, or 90% deformity from fat?  Reality just does not work that way.  I prefer the original meaning of the word by Galen who first used the phrase: female like breasts.  If the contour looks female, then you have gynecomastia wether it is fat and or gland.  Female breasts come in many different forms from the small puffy nipple of a developing breast to a large hanging structure.

I prefer to treat the contour, how it looks.  If there is a concern about a female like contour, I try to sculpt a male like chest.  Picking your surgeon is like picking an artist.  Not all surgeons have the same skills.

Wearing extra fat is not healthy.  Check out risks with a BMI Calculator (Body Mass Index)

8% body fat is pretty lean, but even on my competition body builders and athletes, there is still a fat component to the male chest shape.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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