Author Topic: May 3rd - having lypo  (Read 6786 times)

Offline equium

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Hey guys,
on may 3rd im having lypo only on my pseudo-gyne (i dont have any glandular tissue according to the surgeon - but at my initial consultation, the consultant said i may have a small breast disc - is that the same as glandular tissue?) im having is done by a PS under the NHS. Just wondering about anybody else's experiences of having lypo only under the NHS. Where were your incisions made because after reading this, im gonna make sure it's through the border of the areola:

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
looking at that it seems that i am feeling confident to try doing gyne surgery :D
any takers ???? :o :o :o
Id have a chat with your surgeon and tell him exactly what you want.
I doubt very much that you would be happy with the results of just lipo.
It seems alot of surgeons are doing incision and lipo now as a course of good practice.
losing my moobs was almost as painless as losing my sanity

Offline unleash

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  • I wish.....damn Gyne
Gland is a culture tray for pseudogyne!!
Better get it off too when ure at it..
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Offline equium

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when he makes the incision for the lypo tubes, can the surgeon look to see if there is any gland and if there is, remove it? if there isn't, the leave it!
or does excision require a larger incision, even if it is just to have a look for glandular tissue?

Offline NotFedup

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  • Surgery in Poland By Dr Baranski 24th Oct 2006
no idea mate
but id be telling the surgeon you want both as you dont really want to be going back for revisions :(

Offline equium

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only thing im worried about is cos my gyne is rather mild, if there is a small amount of glandular tissue, if you excise gland, it increases the risk of having a concave shape after the surgery, esp cos i dont have that much fat tissue either!! will speak to the surgeon on the day of the op (cos it's on the NHS) but you think i should definiately insist on lypo+excision?

Offline unleash

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  • I wish.....damn Gyne
Yeah Please insist...
You've had the same lipo surgery twice already...
What does that teach you???Nothing???
Get rid of the Gland..
Say bye to gyne..

Offline equium

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ive never had any surgey before!

Offline equium

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are puffy nipples always a result of glandular tissue? Because i do have puffy nips, which could suggest i have gland there, even if it is minimal.

Offline unleash

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  • I wish.....damn Gyne
 OOOPS...sorry dear..
 I read it My 3rd ...
 Now i noticed it was May 3rd..
 Anyway..get the gland removed..
  ;D ;D

Offline equium

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alright, im gonna insist on gland excision and lypo. my new digi camera arrived the other day but waiting on my memory cards, when they arrive ill get some before and after pics going. wish me luck for thursday!!  8)

Offline 15ineedhelp

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Good luck... btw how long did you have to wait for the NHS ?

Offline equium

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i saw my GP in march 2006, had an appointment with a PS in November 2006 and having the op on May 3rd 2007. But I had to really fight for funding with the PCT. Getting gyne surgery on the NHS is not easy!!

Offline outertrial

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Golly it took me 18 months of toing and froing before I even hit the PCT labyrinth. I gave up then and went private. I doubt any of the NHS surgeons I saw could have done as   good  a job as my private surgeon did so I think it was, in my case, a lucky escape.

Otherwise Id be horrendously bitter about the whole thing  :P

Offline equium

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thanks for the confidence booster before my op under the NHS!!!


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