Author Topic: Lypo only?  (Read 3238 times)

Offline munchd

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7 weeks ago i finally had the surgery on my gyno.Im 39 and have had them since i was about 13.My doctor said he could get them just with lypo(they are about the size of a golfball cut in half).Now the swelling is going down and it feels like they are still there.From what i have read(after i had the surgery of course) its not possible to remove the gland with only lypo.Anyone else have this problem?And if so is the doc on the hook for fixing it?

Offline jojo82

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7 weeks ago i finally had the surgery on my gyno.Im 39 and have had them since i was about 13.My doctor said he could get them just with lypo(they are about the size of a golfball cut in half).Now the swelling is going down and it feels like they are still there.From what i have read(after i had the surgery of course) its not possible to remove the gland with only lypo.Anyone else have this problem?And if so is the doc on the hook for fixing it?

Bait and switch. Happens all the time. Docs will say that they will perform gland excision, but they go in and do lipo only (hard glad cannot be lipo'ed). It makes their life a lot easier. You probably have no recourse because of the paperwork you signed that basically gives the doctor permission to do anything under the sun while you're under anesthesia. Sorry that happened to you. That's why I keep saying over and over again to do your research before going under the knife. Wait as long as it takes to make sure you get what you want. Once it's done, it's done.

Offline hatemymoobs

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Would it be out of this world to ask a surgeon to see the excised tissue?
The doctor I saw today said all excised tissue is sent off to pathology. I'd assume that means he really does excise, especially if you get a pathology report.... ?

Offline munchd

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My doctor(who is a board certified plastic surgeon)said hed done it with only lypo many times.I was very lucky  because insurance paid for it but i wonder if they will pay for another?

Offline jojo82

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My doctor(who is a board certified plastic surgeon)said hed done it with only lypo many times.I was very lucky  because insurance paid for it but i wonder if they will pay for another?

You and your surgeon may not have been on the same page, your insurance company might have only been willing to pay for liposuction (which is rare- when insurance does cover male breast reduction, they usually only cover gland excision and not lipo), or you may not have had much breast tissue at all. Did you discuss your desire to have the breast tissue removed via excision? Did your doctor tell you specifically that breast tissue can be removed through liposuction? Was your surgeon primary concerned with your contour and less so with the presence of breast tissue? Did your doctor mention post-op that there wasn't much breast tissue detected during surgery (which is hard to tell anyway without an incision)? How are the results? And why do you have reason to believe that there was substantial palpable breast tissue in your chest?

Offline munchd

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We were on the same page,he said he could break up the gland with the two lypo wands.He said he would only cut me if he couldnt break it up.He also said that he got all the gland,but it was hard for me to tell for awhile because of swelling and tenderness.Now that he did all the lypo(my entire chest area) my gyne is even more pronounced.Both sides look like a golf ball cut in half.


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