Author Topic: Saying Hi to everyone and quick question..  (Read 3258 times)

Offline Rae

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Hi all, I read the board and the site to see if what I have is gynecomastia or not.  I've been wondering about this for a while and there are many things that lead me to believe I may or may not have it.

First off, I'm 19 right now and I was overweight from about the age of 12 or 13 or maybe even earlier I can't remember. Anyway, since I was overweight I always thought my chest was flabby because of it- excess fat in the area obviously.  But now I'm not so sure.

In the summer of last year when I was 18 I needed a change and started to exercise, diet, work out n all that and lost a lot of weight - I went from about 210 or maybe even a bit more to now 167-170ish at 6' tall.

Okay now here's the thing, my breasts, I guess, were not like full or anything, but they drooped and were flabby. After I lost all that weight, my breasts got extremely smaller and tighter but there's still a bit of a droop under each of my nipples and are still a bit bulgy outwards sometimes, not to a large degree (not NEARLY how they were before) but also not totally normal, i gues since I'm not sure what's exactly normal. And sometimes I have puffy nipples but I guess when they come in contact with something they go small and look normal but in hotter weather they get puffy and breasts become a bit bulgier again but then later in the day they can get smaller but then bigger, like one minute they're kinda droopy then the next tighter, its wierd!

Now the second part (sorry it's long but I can see dedicated people here willing to help, I hope) is that while I was working out I found my brother's old weight loss supplement Hydroxycut, and it was the tough Ephedra formula. There was enough of this for about 2 weeks worth of my training, and for those 2 weeks my chest and stomach looked good, toned, and completely normal.  However, after the supply ended I noticed I was gaining a little weight back in a lot of spots, chest and stomach being 2 of them. I have been working out since that time and like I said have lost a lot weight and my chest has gotten sooo much smaller and almost "normal" I guess, that's what I'm trying to find out here.   because although I'm not fat, I still have some bulge in my lower stomach, which I know is hard to get fat off of and is very common, and in my chest, which I guess for men is not so common to still have fat deposits as you get thinner.

 I am taking another weight loss/fat burning supplement, its the Hydroxycut without Ephedra, so its not NEARLY as powerful as the old formula, but I noticed that after I work out my chest looks completely normal and my stomach gets flatter, so I know its doing its job. However, when the effects are wearing off, I notice my stomach bulges a bit at my lower ab section as usual and my chest goes out a little again. And also I think it is a fat problem because whenever my nipples come in contact with water or something, they become normal and my chest even contracts and looks normal and taut, but again, im not sure because after a while they go back out a bit again and nipples get puffy sometimes, but they dont hurt when I touch them like some people posted and I felt them and I dont feel any kind of hard tissue or anything under my nipples or in that area of my chest, they are a bit soft though when they're puffy but I heard that could just be a fatty pad under the nipple?? im not sure and im so confused, So please if anyone knows if my problem is just some fat I need to get rid of or something more serious, please post, any help is appreciated, thanks!

Sorry for such the long post, I know its as long as some thesis papers I've written but I just need to be thorough to get as good an answer as I can find from informed people, thank you all.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 08:12:23 PM by quickquestion »

Offline Rae

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anyone? i just need to know if its normal  ??? ...maybe still just a little flabby? please anyone w/ info reply, thx

Offline toronto

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got any pictures you can post? the guys on here can usually call it

the other thing is, right under your areola can you feel any hard tissue (harder than fat,you can tell the difference)

Offline Rae

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im not sure if what im feeling is muscle or what type of tissue or if its in normal male chests becuase ive never felt up on a guy lol, but something that's more squishy than hard i guess, basically meaning if I squeeze it hard enough it gets pushed away, maybe like a gland or something i guess? but its not even as hard as my left nut lol i think it might be like gland but is that normal for man to have in his chest too?

i guess a good question i need answered is, you guys reading this that for sure have gyneco, does your chest contract from time to time, like after you work out, when its cold or something, and i mean the whole chest, not just the nipple getting small or something, cause when my chest contracts it looks normal, but i wanna know why it goes out again like the next morning when i wake up or later in the day, could it be fat reacting to diet or sleep habits or anything like that? just a thought
« Last Edit: April 05, 2005, 08:42:41 PM by quickquestion »

Offline Paa_Paw

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I suspect that you are quite normal and that the skin in the breast area was simply stretched a bit while you were packing around the extra pounds.  At your age, the skin should be elastic enough to shrink over time.

There is something in what you have said that does give cause for concern,  You describe fat in the lower abdomen.  Fatty deposits below the belt in the abdomen, on the hips, and thighs are more typical of females than males.  If you have sparse or no body hair, Beard, etc. these may be indicative of a glandular problem.  Typical male fat distribution would be a paunch above the belt etc.

The wise thing to do at this point would be to see your doctor and get your hormones checked.  
Grandpa Dan

Offline Rae

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thanks a lot paw, your post was really helpful. Sorry I was being vague...somehow lol, about the lower ab fat, you see it is above the belt so maybe what i said was misleading, you see the fat isn't below the belt by any means, i guess they're just a bit of love handles? anyway they used to be huge and I guess I'm still working it off because as we all know fat in that area is kinda really stubborn for most, and I guess I may just be unlucky to have stubborn fat in my chest, too, because like I said my chest was REAALLY flabby but now look almost normal after I lost all the weight, and I dont know if that can happen to someone who has gyneco, but I will get checked out to make sure. Anyway, I hope that's all it is and really thanks for the info., it helped.

For any of you who feel overwhelmed reading the boards and thinking you're all alone, I know what you mean by the world can be a dark and depressing place, after all I was overweight most of my life and it's really not easy, but I like being able to sympathize with people and not be a jerk and I guess enduring the trials has made me a better person. I wish you all the best of luck whichever road you take, and remember everyone on this earth has challenges and problems no matter how perfect they may "seem".
« Last Edit: April 06, 2005, 10:41:23 AM by quickquestion »


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