Author Topic: Quick Question  (Read 2207 times)

Offline abaz

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I went to a walk in doctor ( I dont have a family doctor yet ) and he said he couldn't feel any lumps. So what should I do ? Im kind of running out of idea's here and this is starting to look very unpleasant  :(

Offline phantom

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Hello Abaz.

Where are you?  N.America, UK, somewhere else?  Gynaecomastia (in the UK at least) is not something many GPs (family doctors) are particularly familiar with.  Whist my GP knew about the condition, I am the first patient she has seen regarding this issue.  Therefore it follows that they probably don't know what they are looking or feeling for.

Depending on where you are and your and your health care system, you have three options.  You can go and see an Endocrinologist (hormone specialist) or possibly a Urologist.  But in the UK you will need a referral from your GP unless you go private.

You could go and see two or three plastic surgeons purely to give you an opinion on your circumstances.

Many guys post pictures on here to get an opinion from other sufferers.  If you look through the photos section, most photos give frontal and side views.  Whilst most gynaecomastia sufferers are probably better equipped at spotting it on other guys than most doctors, nothing on here can substitute a formal diagnosis from one of the specialists mentioned above.

Hope that helps a little.

Offline Bakajin

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no lumps should actually be a good thing.  It might mean your gyno is being caused by fat rather than gland which is much easier to correct via exercise and/or surgery than people who suffer from large amounts of gland.  

Offline Hypo-is-here

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But gland can feel like fat and vice versa.  Some surgeons state they cannot be sure of the difference until they have cut it out and have it in their hands.

Also many doctors mistake not having a breast bud (usually feels like a rubber disc like material) for not having glandular gynecomastia.  

This is something that commonly happens and is due to a simple lack of knowledge and expertise in dealing with the condition.  I say this because you can have diffuse glandular gynecomastia where fat is intertwined with gland.  In fact many people have this type of gynecomastia.

As stated by a previous poster is that gps, or general physicians are NOT experts when it comes to this condition.

You need a referral to an endocrinologist who specializes in reproductive endocrinology and if you want surgery then you would then need to subsequently see a plastic surgeon who has experience at dealing with gynecomastia and such procedures.  

If you let me know what city and state you live in- if in the US, I can give you contact details for endocrinologists who should be your first port of call.  If you are elsewhere in the world I still might be able to help you with such details if you state where you live city country etc.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 06:21:48 AM by Hypo-is-here »


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