Author Topic: having fever  (Read 5294 times)

Offline tony_ss

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I am having a little fever(some temperature) and some cold. I have taken paracetamol. have scheduled my surgery a day after tomorrow. should i go ahead with it? or is it not advised to have surgery if there is temperature?
pls advise.
expecting a quick reply:) as i don't have time to decide

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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I wouldn’t panic and neither would I start taking ANY medication as some of them can increase your ability to bleed and that’s the last thing you want before or during surgery.  If I were you I would phone the surgeon or hospital and ask for advice as to what to do and what NOT to do.  Any final decision will be taken on the day of the surgery probably by the anaesthetist.

All the best.

Surgery performed by Mr Levick at The Priory Hospital Bimingham (UK) 20th October 2006


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The handbook I was given by Levick strictly says not to have paracetamols or aspirin etc 2 weeks before surgery.

Still speak to your surgeon though ...

Offline tony_ss

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guys, thanks for your replies.. am taking antibiotics (Azithromycin), paracetamol for another 5 days.. my ps told me i can take paracetamol..
but only i should avoid blood thinners (aspirin)..
but still confused about your ps note (
handbook I was given by Levick strictly says not to have paracetamols or aspirin etc 2 weeks before)

Offline Time_to_fix_it

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guys, thanks for your replies.. am taking antibiotics (Azithromycin), paracetamol for another 5 days.. my ps told me i can take paracetamol..
but only i should avoid blood thinners (aspirin)..
but still confused about your ps note (
handbook I was given by Levick strictly says not to have paracetamols or aspirin etc 2 weeks before)

Don't worry, I think the earlier comment about paracetamol was mistaken.  I have the same booklet he refers to and although it mentions paracetamol, it does so in the context as a safe painkiller, and not something to avoid before or after surgery. 

The booklet he refers to regarding substances to avoid for 7 days prior to surgery, states “you should not take Aspirin, or any product containing Aspirin.  Also you should avoid Garlic and Chinese food for the same period of time”.

You did the wise thing in talking to your PS so I hope you are ok for your surgery.

Offline tony_ss

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thanks a  lot for your clarification. hope this post will be helpful to others too..:)


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Sorry chaps, my bad! I tried to re-call what it said out of my head without actually referring to my booklet.

Good luck.

Offline turningacorner

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man I had the worst fever also

this is a wierd post

I did'nt care!

made the 2 hour train journey down, enjoyed the comfort of the electric bed and then waited for aneasthetic, was so good to be put out and lose my headache!

woke up sweating, was well bad, and then they laoded me with painkillers, I got home, and then the fever really got bad

I was in bed for 4 days feeling like shit

only good thing is it gave me some good recovery and rest time lol.


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