Author Topic: interesting letter from NHS  (Read 5354 times)

Offline rockstar6181

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I saw a local NHS G.S about 4 months ago for a 6 month follower up and he agreed to refear me to a P.S, today I recived a letter in the post in which I was carbon copied into it. Basically it was a letter from the G.S to the P.S saying that I should go to my GP and disscuss how it was going to be funded before being refered to the P.S. Whats this all about then? I thought my years of paying into the NHS via taxes was the funding,  ;)

Offline kingboob

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Don't expect anything but stress from the NHS.

I have been messed about non-stop, despite having 1 professor, 2 consultants and 1GP all saying I NEED surgery to correct my extreme problem..

I am having the same issue..... fighting with the PCT over who pays for the op....  Sorry,  but I also thought that stamp was my contribution to the system.  9+ months of fighting and I finally have a surgeon willing to do the op, as long as a psychologist will say I am mentally 'sound' to have it done..... oh, guess what, another 12 week wait to see them too.#

And even when they do the operation, they are not going to sort out all my issues... simply to a half arsed job on the gyno and leave the loose skin.

I used to believe in the NHS, not anymore.... at 21 years old they are happy to leave me looking like a freak for the rest of my life.

OK, rant over.....  best of luck getting your funding sorted m8.


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Heh, dont get me started ... but i'll start any way.

Im 20 now and had my op 2 months ago privately for £4,000 with Levick

Basically at the age of 18 I went to my GP and went through the whole NHS process ... year later after being messed around, I wrote a letter asking what the sketch was in regards to my operation I was then told they cannot fund my operation. End of story.

The funny part is, I had severe gyne, and according to my private surgeon who could have happily lied and taken my £4,000 had insisted that I pushed a bit harder on the NHS as they are obliged to perform the operation on people with severe gyne. So in other words I can have it done for free ... but I didnt want to waste any more time, I requested Levick perform it on me which he happily did with no problems ... and now im recovering. I want my 21st birthday to be the one to remember ...


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Think i'll explain what exactly happened with me a little better as I feel the above post wasn't that useful.

Basically, I went to my GP who then referred me to a surgeon 3 weeks later. After 3 weeks had past I went and saw the Surgeon who told me about the whole process of how its removed which I already knew (thanks to this site). I was told I would be put on a waiting list. Any way, 7 months had past and I was getting annoyed and lost my patience. I wrote a letter to the surgeon asking what is happening, I was then told a month later in writing that they have no records of me coming in and discussing this problem with them ... In other words, the doctor never made a note of it, NOR put me on the waiting list. I was furious to say the least. He then apologised and said im refferring you to another surgeon whos a PLASTIC surgeon as he was just a normal surgeon. Any way, waited another month ... and the date was cancelled due to the PLASTIC surgeon going on holiday ... at this point, I thought f*ck it! I sold my car, made £3,000 of that, and used £1,000 from my student loan money and went straight to Birmingham and within 3 weeks had my operation done privately.

So as you can see ... NHS are a joke.

Offline outertrial

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Not having nhs surgery can turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Few of the surgeons they will send you to are really specialists in gynecomastia. Many people end up unhappy with their results and find the whole process of getting an op very stressful. Some are lucky but you have to set a cut off point in your own mind beyond which you wont be messed around any more.

This should incorporate 2 things:

1 - time and hassle. If your making endless trips back and forth between people who cant communicate and will only see you every 4 months then a time will come when it isnt worth it.

2 - the surgeon. If youre not 100% happy with the consultation and his/her credentials then forget about it.

It doesnt cost that much to go private and the benefits are very appealing.

Offline Bigdom

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Also, with Private you stand less chance of dying, as they actually clean the hospitals!!!

2-5k seems a small cost compared with the NHS possibly taking your life..


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Also, with Private you stand less chance of dying, as they actually clean the hospitals!!!

2-5k seems a small cost compared with the NHS possibly taking your life..

LOL ... Omg!!

So true ...

If you want your chest rectified, I suggest you research the right surgeon FOR YOU. Find out how well his work generally is ... and then take the plunge and pass over that hard earned cash .... Because you want the surgery done right.

Offline Daniel_uk987

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it seems like im having an okay time with the Nhs so far, or should i expect any grief?
 ??? ??? ??? ???

Offline outertrial

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What do you mean an OK time? Glad for you if its going well.

Offline rockstar6181

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Saw the GP about funding and she bascialy thinks I have a mental problem and offered to refear to me a councillor. I said she could if she wanted to but explained its not only about the cosmetic apperence but the tendernes of the tissue under the nipple. She went from flat out refusing to write a letter to the PTC to saying she would write one but dont get your hopes up. I doubt anything will come of it so will end up going private in the new year. One thing I have noticed from all this is if you go to a doctor and you dont agree with them and know a little about what your talking about they don t like that(not case for all Drs but certinaly the ones i have met).


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