Author Topic: Wrote a letter to my parents  (Read 5842 times)

Offline Hefner33

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Hey guys. I finally had enough nerve to write my parents a letter about my condition. I couldn't do it in personal so thought that this would be the best way. They didn't even know what to say. I moved back home a few weeks ago because I lost my job at the bank.I am 23 years old and feel I am a good candidate for surgery.  They are afraid for me to go under for any surgery, but I explained everything and they just don't think its necessary. They feel God makes us all different and unique. I told them no woman will ever want to marry a man with breasts.  I feel with me losing my job the time is right to have the surgery. I have scheduled a consultation for Thursday with a local guy. Don't know if he is top notch like some of the doctors on here, but live out in the middle of no where in Nebraska. I think everything will be fine as long as they remove the gland and lipo. I am so excited I have an oppurtunity. I just hope insurance will cover the procedure and hopefully someone can be with me for atleast a week to keep watch over me post op.
"I can Do ALL Things Through him who Strengthens Me"

Offline TigerPaws

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Hey guys. I finally had enough nerve to write my parents a letter about my condition. I couldn't do it in personal so thought that this would be the best way. They didn't even know what to say. I moved back home a few weeks ago because I lost my job at the bank.I am 23 years old and feel I am a good candidate for surgery.  They are afraid for me to go under for any surgery, but I explained everything and they just don't think its necessary. They feel God makes us all different and unique. I told them no woman will ever want to marry a man with breasts.  I feel with me losing my job the time is right to have the surgery. I have scheduled a consultation for Thursday with a local guy. Don't know if he is top notch like some of the doctors on here, but live out in the middle of no where in Nebraska. I think everything will be fine as long as they remove the gland and lipo. I am so excited I have an oppurtunity. I just hope insurance will cover the procedure and hopefully someone can be with me for atleast a week to keep watch over me post op.
Unless you are seriously overweight, butt ugly, dumb as a box of rocks and totally insecure you have nothing to worry about.

Jobs come and go, such is the global economy, if you have a real education in a hard science (engineering and the 100's of relates fields, molecular biology, environmental sciences, computer sciences and others) you will do fine. If you have a simple high school diploma you are mostly screwed unless you get back into school to get a degree in something that guarantees you a career.

You do not have to go to collage if you have an in-demand trade, machinist, millwright, plumber or something similar. They can make very good money and are always in demand.

As for the ladies, don't worry there are many intelligent, caring and beautiful women who will care less about you breasts (and a select few who will appreciate you assets). But for now concentrate on getting the education and or skills to be useful to those who will pay you well. 

Offline Hefner33

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I have a bachelor of science degree

Offline TigerPaws

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I have a bachelor of science degree

If I may ask in what discipline? 

Offline Paa_Paw

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Be careful about the qualifications of your surgeon.   I would not want even the best stone Mason if what I really needed was a Michelangelo.  
Cosmetic surgery is a true art,  A General Surgeon will not give you the best results.   Most of the people who in regular contact with this site because of a botched surgery are people who used the wrong type of surgeon.  
Your assertion that you would never find a decent wife amuses me. I divorced my first wife after 13 years because she was abusive and unfaithful.  I won custody of the children because of her abusive nature.  Remarried three years later, I have been married to the sweetheart of my dreams for 28 years.  I am a 48B, the father of eight, I have 27 grandchildren and today I attended two birthday parties for great-grandchildren ages 4 and 7.
So far as work, I was an Medic in the USAF for eight years.   After that I entered Law Enforcement where I had a good career.  When the captain at the Police Academy pinned the badge on my shirt he said: "Now here's a lad wot wears his badge proudly."   A carpenter would say that a nail that had not been driven fully flush was "proud"  I think that is what the Captain meant.  In any case, we all laughed, even me.  
Gynecomastia can be an embarrassment, but it is really nothing more than that unless you make a big deal out of it. 
We try to be as supportive and informative as we can be.  In that respect, we equally support the young man who wants surgery to reduce his breasts and the other guy who decides to live with it.   
Grandpa Dan


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I'm with Paa_Paw here as far as one doesn't have to fall to the control of gynecomastia!

I've fathered 5, 3 with the 1st,  been married 28 years with the 2nd and we have 2. We have a total of 4 grandkids now and I'm 57 years old. I served 4 year's active Navy , 7 years Army reserves and I had gyne all my life as well.

I also owned my own business until disability took me out of the work force. I didn't let having breast stop me from living the life I wanted to have.

Now due to the health problems I have bigger breast then I ever thought I would have ended up being at 46H, but I would look worse if I had them cut off, as far as I'm concerned, as it would be hard with all the skin and nipple replacement.

Offline Samael

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I'm an astronomer, and the truth is that what you have going on in your head is much more important than looks. 
I didn't find out until after I met my wife for the second time (first met her in HS, but went our seperate ways, reconnected 6 years later by chance) that we talked about how I was an idiot for the self-doubt I had as a teenager on not looking good, as the gals weren't just looking at my looks but what I was aspiring to be. She even said I could have had my pick of any of the ladies had I realized it. 
If anything, bring it up before you go and have sex, but don't let it stop you from getting to know someone for who they are, and heck you might get lucky enough that whoever you find will be supportive.

Offline TigerPaws

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I'm an astronomer, and the truth is that what you have going on in your head is much more important than looks.
I didn't find out until after I met my wife for the second time (first met her in HS, but went our seperate ways, reconnected 6 years later by chance) that we talked about how I was an idiot for the self-doubt I had as a teenager on not looking good, as the gals weren't just looking at my looks but what I was aspiring to be. She even said I could have had my pick of any of the ladies had I realized it.
If anything, bring it up before you go and have sex, but don't let it stop you from getting to know someone for who they are, and heck you might get lucky enough that whoever you find will be supportive.
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