Author Topic: Under the Knife 1/16  (Read 7971 times)

Offline slyblackdragon

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Well, I did it. I have surgery tomorrow and have to be there at 12:30. I am having excision and lipo with Dr. Hedden in Birmingham, AL. Total cost of surgery including all fees was $3,700 dollars and $20 dollars for my Rx. Meds (insurance). It is going to kill me taking this much time out of this gym as I am really hoping this will be my year to make a difference with my body. I know I could lose a little more bodyfat, but I have been very lean (last summer) and the gyne was still there. I will post again as soon as I am able to let everyone know about the surgery. I will try to keep this space updated as often as possible until my final results are realized. If I am satisfied I will likely do my best to forget I every had this conditions. I know mine isn't that bad, but it is the mental anguish that comes with gyne and the self hate which is is worst part.

Anyways, heres some pre-op pics so me and everyone else can say their last goodbyes!

Post-op pics will follow when able. I asked the staff to take before and after pics for me. I hope they do as it would be interesting to have them.


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My gyno is almost the same as yours. I'm sick of having it. After 9 year of having this problem (I am now 21), 1 week ago I went to the doctor. He said it was gyno. Next wednesday I have an appointment with the PS. Can't wait until it's gone.

Good Luck to you today  ;)

Offline slyblackdragon

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Well, here I go. See you on the flat side!

Offline slyblackdragon

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Well I am back. It has been about 6 hours since surgery. No real pain yet, but I am sure that will wear off. Everything went very smoothly. The worst part about it all was waking up after surgery, I felt like crap for quite a long time.

I arrived for surgery at about 11:45 a.m. and after signing in was asked to come back into the prep room. There I had pre-op pics taken and put on my gown. The anaesthesioligist came in and talked to me for a while about how he would anaesthesize me. We got to talking about the weather, it was hailing outside. After that Dr. Hedded came in and drew on me and walked me through the procedure one more time. Then the anaesthesiologist came back in and gave me some injections and set me on the IV drip. I walked into the surgery room and lay on the table. He then added the anaesthesia to my IV drip and before I could wink and the nurse I was out. I woke up at who knows what time, (I think it was around 2:30), wearing my compression vest. I dressed myself and sat there for about another hour or so until I was able to stand on my own power. I came directly home and took a nap too sleep off the anaesthesia, and here I am!

I can tell I have some amount of bruising already and that this vest is going to get on my nerves...but I have done it!

Offline Karu

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Congratulations man! Keep us posted I'm going for my surgery this summer and I'm still pretty nervous.

Offline slyblackdragon

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Just got back from my post-op visit. He removed 150 cc and a silver dollar sized amount of fibrous tissue from each side. It is smaller than tf was, but with the swelling it is still about the same shape. Nipples are still puffy, etc...but it hasn't even been 24 hours yet. He said the puffiness would subside with time, he also fitted me for a smaller compression garment as the one I had wasn't tight enough. Not very much pain, just really sore like I had the worst/best chest workout of all time. Will keep everyone posted on my progress.

Offline slyblackdragon

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Well it has been 3 days now and the pain/soreness has been replaced with a tingling/electric type feeling. I am guessing this has something to do with the nerves healing, which is a good sign. Chest still looks about the same as it did after the op, but I think my nipples are starting to contract a bit. That is the part I am most worried about. I guess 3 days is much too soon to be drawing any conclusions about my op, but I am so excited to see my final result.

Offline slyblackdragon

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I'm 5 days post op and the skin seems to be contracting more, thank goodness! I felt that my compression garment wasn't tight enough so I now put an ace bandage over top of it. Since doing that I have developed a little yellow bruising, but the swelling has gone down more. I am really not sure if I should use the ace bandage or not, but it seems to be helping.

Offline slyblackdragon

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Well I am 10 days post op, and doing well. My chest looks better and better every day. The swelling is really going down nicely, but I do feel some scar tissue starting to form. Hopefully the endermology sessions I am scheduled for will help with breaking that up and getting a better contour to my chest. I stopped taking my Lortab for two reasons. One being that I really don't have any pain and was taking them just for the hell of it and two they seem to make me sleepless as I haven't had a good nights sleep since I started taking them. I feel good enough to start doing cardio again, just no jogging or upper body movements that would hinder my healing. I think I am going to start working up to doing HIIT cardio on a bike or maybe a stepper Mon., Wed., and Fri. to try and shift some fat, get my fitness back, and get my work ethic back. I really have let myself go over the past week or two. I haven't been very strict on my diet and with an almost sedentary lifestyle it is starting to show.

Offline KryptoKnight

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The bike is def the best way to start.  Personally I didn't do any cardio prior to my surgery, I had a strict lifting schedule 5-6 days a week and it's the winter, so bulking was my best option.  I think when May comes around I'll start to get cut, but I don't gain much weight on my bulk really, so I'm not worried about gaining too much weight.

And get some pics up, I'm curious how your surgery went.

Offline chiguy

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2 weeks post-op, i'm on the treadmill 15 incline 3mph 20 min. and started weight training, standing curls and mild dumbell press. I dont feel pain or soreness. Obviously breathing isnt 100% due to the vest. i would just start off light and increase every day till your back to normal, thats my plan and my doc seems to think the more exercise the better.

Offline xXSocialPlagueXx

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i wouldn't call that gyne... 

It may not be severe as some others, but Gyne is Gyne; it questions your being and takes you to a mental hell.

Don't try to say his case was insignificant.

Offline slyblackdragon

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i wouldn't call that gyne... 

It may not be severe as some others, but Gyne is Gyne; it questions your being and takes you to a mental hell.

Don't try to say his case was insignificant.

Thanks for the backup buddy, it isn't so much how the gyne looks but how it makes you feel that is the problem. The mental side to this condition absolutely dwarfs the physical appearance of it.

Offline slyblackdragon

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Well today marks two weeks post op. Everything is O.K. Nipples are starting to look a little whack, but that seems to be normal from what I have seen, heard, been told, etc. Swelling is mostly down and being replaced with fibrous scar tissue. I am really hoping that when the scar tissue goes down with massage and time that my nipples will look a little more normal. Then again 2 weeks is really far to early to tell much of anything. Anyways, here are some pics to go along with the update.

Front Before

Front 2 Weeks Post-op

Right Side Before

Right Side 2 Weeks Post-op

Left Side 2 Weeks Post-op (I seem to have lost my left side before)

Offline milesed1

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Looks much better already. Post some more once you've been able to hit the gym again.


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