Hi guys, i developed puffy nips when i was 13 and still have them at the age of 16. Easter holidays are coming up and i am trying to persuade my mum to get me an appointment to see a consultant about having them got rid off. They make my beach or holiday life misery and to be honest, there should be more help for it on the NHS. I havent told my dad about it as i am too embarrassed but my mum knows and has seen them. I am of a good build (quite muscley) 6ft 2 and weigh about 11 stone. Dr. Bermant or anyone who has knowledge about this stuff, i was wondering would i have lipo for these puffy nipples or an incision??
and how bad would you say my condition is and would you guys offer support and tell me to go 4 the operation if you were in my boots?
i know some people say 'o its not to bad, i would say your normal' but to me i can see puffyness and it bothers me however mild it may be.pics are below guys...

Being patient helps, in most cases puberty gynecomastia goes away on its own. Gynecomastia that has not resolved by two years typically does not go away.
Check out my
Teenage Gynecomastia Gallery. Here you can find pictures before and after my gynecomastia surgery performed on teenagers and adolescent males. The small image here will link to its
much larger image - you can click on the details about this patient, the problem, surgical solutions, and results.
"How old should you be before considering Gynecomastia Surgery" are very common questions. What age depends on many factors.
We have many patients, family members, and parents who have raved how a compression garment can really help while waiting for surgery or until stabilization of a problem.
Puffy Nipple Gynecomastia can be subtle in nature, but still cause emotional stress.
Body shaping garments are a good temporary contouring solution. They do not help remove or treat gynecomastia. When the garment is removed, the gynecomastia is still there. They can provide an emotional band-aid for the stress of contour issues and bouncing tissues.
There is a theoretical advantage for the person losing weight. Scars that evolve under pressure do better than scars without pressure. These garments are designed to help with pressure and scar evolution. With weight loss, there is the issue of skin shrinkage. Pressure may help. However, there are no studies to evaluate such issues. Trying to desing such a study is difficult if not impossible.
You can see actual examples of
Compression Chest Contouring Without Surgery for different types of gynecomastia here:
Compression Contouring After Massive Weight LossBody Shaping for Puffy NipplesBody Shaping Compression Contouring for Overweight Male - This one shows the Black Vest in use.
Body Shaper Compression Garment for Severly Obese MaleCheck out the multiple views for each patient. Clink on the links to see other views of the garment and features of this design I prefer. We have tried many other brands and none seem to come close to what this one offers.
After surgery compression garments do not do well in pool water or sea water. The salt or chlorine can damage the fabric. There are
Sun Protection Clothing Options designed for water use.
A wet suit can also help. Using a thin neoprene like Microprene can flatten the chest in water like a compression garment can help on land. The after surgery garments do not work well in water, the wet suits do. Both can be hot to wear, that is why I prefer a very thin garment.
Hope this helps,
Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture