Author Topic: london- new to board  (Read 2160 times)

Offline masterp

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hey guys, i was wondering if you could give me some advice.
i live in london and I am 18 and have very low testosterone caused by primary testicuar problems. I dont want to go on testosterone, as it makes you stop producing your own supplies. Essentially i just want to find a way of getting rid of gyne. i have very skinny arms and legs but a big belly and some gyne.

Can anyone recommend ways to get rid of gyne without taking testosterone. I am thinking along the lines of natural products. My estrogen isn't particularly high, so i dont know if tamoxifen woud work- i just produce very little testosterone. More over i dont want to take anyhting which will effect my already low fertility. I have been thinking about this new lypodisolve. does anyone know if you can get it in the UK.

I found that working out doesn't help, and the more weight i lose the worse the gyne looks as i am already pretty skinny. I am getting desperate but dont really want to go under the knife. is there a way to improve the effects of my natural testosterone, or burn fat more efficiently.  

I would be really greatful for some help.

Offline doddy

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  • 06/04/2005.
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