Author Topic: need help w/  PROTEIN SHAKES  (Read 3831 times)

Offline milk_caps

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hey guys, gotta ?

if i start taking whey protein powder, will that in any way increase my gyno size ?

my case is what i would consider minor (sticks out about an inch and a half from my chest.)

however last year it was smaller, and i started to take whey protein powder and do a ton of regular, and incline pushups to target the chest area..
it did start to stick out a bit more.  is that because of the direct targeting of the chest, or a combination ?

but i want to get my biceps, back, and shoulders bigger, so can i take the whey protein, and target the biceps, shoulders, and back.   without having to worry that it will someway make my chest get bigger ?

since i will not be working out the chest, i don't think it will..  but i need some input..  thanks

Offline aux513s

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I don't think it will either. As long as you're not doing exercises to build up the muscles behind your gyno anymore.

Offline HEG

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Bro I would not concern yourself at all with whey protein shakes and gynecomastia. You stated that you were working your chest a lot and supplementing with protein powder. Chances are you pecs grew, which helped to accentuate your gynecomastia.

If you want the rest of your body to grow you are still going to have to be consuming an adequate amount of protein. Granted, getting most of it from complete, whole sources is the way to go (except perhaps post workout) life isnt all that easy so sometimes we have to pound some shakes. Continue to train hard and supplement with the whey.

I would not drop training chest, but I understand where you are coming from. Chances are your tricep routine may hit the chest indirectly (via close grip bench press) but I wouldnt worry too much about it.

Good Luck.


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