The real question here is it cancer?
Im 18 and male, it all started when My mate noticed my swolen right nipple after a run, after I had removed my t-shirt. On getting home I pressed the nipple and it released a clear liquid, it was also rather tender. I Immedietly seaked medical advice, where they looked at it and assured me that it was Gynacomastia, a common symptom within males during puberty. They said the lactation was caused by irritation to the nipple. They also gave me a Ultrasound scan to confirm it, and they said that it was gynacomastia once again, and it did not look like a lump associated with Breast Cancer.
Then It looked like the skin was pukcering after a while, it still does it now, and I was getting alot of pain under the arm pit, and I still am. I went to see alot of doctors and they all dismissed me as having gynacomastia, and one even called me a Hypercondriac.
Its stressing me out. I eventualy found a good Doctor, who put me through to a specialist under my own request as she aswell thought it was gynacomastia, the specialist who charged me 80 pounds, checked my testicles and the lump under my nipple and told me it was mild gynacomastia, he said the puckering of the skin was to do with muscles. Even though it wasnt puckered at the time.
It has stopped lactating now and only did that during the first month or so of having it, not for very long and it was only when I squeezed the nipple, now it doesnt do it all, even when I squeeze the nipple.
Im not sure what it is at all, I cant tell if its the skin dimples being hard and thick and extending over the soft nipple or if the skin is actualy retracting, mainly it looks like a swolen nipple, much like a womans. But sometimes the nipple goes puckered at the top. Also I explained the pain under my arm, deep in the arm pit and he said there was no sign of swolen lymph glands, somone help me! Can you get puckering skin from Gynacomastia? Most doctors say im too young as a male to even get breast cancer..I dont trust them one bit. Did anyone else get slight puckered skin from Gynacomastia? The doctors seem pretty certain it is, and said a Biopsy wont even be neccesary even though I have been fighting my case for months on end.