Author Topic: Planning on tellin my parents  (Read 1406 times)

Offline jorgexd

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Hey guys, I'm kinda new to this forum and since i started reading it i got more courage to deal with my gyne. I'm pretty sure i'm gonna tell my parents today and try to get a surgery. I have to go to college now and after that i'm planning on telling my mom ( I'm pretty sure she already knows about it).

Btw, do you guys have any suggestions on how to start the conversation?

Offline wolfman

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hi good luck on telling your parents, i had it for 18 years and i never told them anything, never got the guts to do so, i was to embarrest

Bye Wolfman
i finally feel like im a man

Offline i_dont_know

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I just recently spoke to my father about it after about 10 years of keeping it a "secret". It's really nowhere near as hard as you think, all you need to do is break the ice and explain to your parents that you've done your research, you know what the condition is and this is the only option you've been left with (aside from living with it). Your parents aren't going to tease you or laugh at you, they're your parents. They're there to support you and help you when you need help. The sooner you do it, the better you'll feel. I've already scheduled a consultation and will probably schedule the surgery shortly after if I feel comfortable with the way things go. I feel 100x better already just knowing that I'm finally dealing with it and finally doing something about it. Knowing that a few months from now, I'll probably be able to wear any t shirt with no shame and take my shirt off at the beach again for the rest of my life... is a really good feeling.

Granted, I haven't had the surgery yet so nothing is guaranteed, but I'd strongly recommend just telling your parents there's something you'd like to speak to them about and just do it. You don't have to beat around the bush or shy away from it, just get it off your shoulders. You'll feel it's surprisingly easy to talk about once you start because it's something you've probably been suppressing for so long and in the long run, you'll probably wish you did it sooner. I know that if my surgery is a success, I'll look back and really wish I'd done something sooner instead of spending so much time hiding it or avoiding certain places/shirts/situations/etc. I'm sure you will too.

Good luck!

Offline nick24

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After about 10 years with gyne i told my parents, it was easy. I didnt tell them the whole time not because i was scared or anything I didnt really know anything about gyne and i just sucked it up all my life. Then I had to tell my grandparents so they could help me pay for the surgery which they were more than happy to do. They said i should of told them sooner.  :o


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