Author Topic: My post op pics  (Read 13233 times)

Offline gez95

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congratulations! i had my surgery on th 8th july too and am very pleased so far.  Hope it all goes well.

Offline nipplevision

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congratulations! i had my surgery on th 8th july too and am very pleased so far.  Hope it all goes well.

Thanks. Let's hope for a good recovery for the both of us.
Drains will be taken out on Monday probably. Then I can start coming outside again :-)
Feel like the elephant man locking myself inside the house...


Offline Redman88

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Congrats to both of you guys!

Quick question if you don't mind, what are the drains like, are they uncomfortable?
Surgery booked for July 27th 2009, can't wait!

Offline Nightmare

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Congrats to both of you guys!

Quick question if you don't mind, what are the drains like, are they uncomfortable?
the drains arent that bad, but you cant go out without getting notice , unless you have a really big jacket or something.
i stayed home most of the time, drive to the doctor with it. not really a big problem. theres a pin to keep the drain and suction thingy (lol, dont know whats it called) from putting any pressure and weight around the surgery area. when i did went to the doc to take it out, for a few seconds i let it all hang without any support and i can feel alittle pain at my surgery area where the tubes went in. not that bad.

Offline Nightmare

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right after the surgery the suction device was place near my chest, and eventhough i was wearing a sweater, it made my chest looks rediculous. So when i got home, i put it near my waist with  the pin. theres one on each side.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2009, 07:46:24 PM by Nightmare »

Offline Redman88

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O wow thank you! I think it'll be a lot easier going into surgery with all this knowledge.
Thanks again!

Offline Nightmare

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You're welcome, Anytime Bro.

Offline nipplevision

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Congrats to both of you guys!

Quick question if you don't mind, what are the drains like, are they uncomfortable?
the drains arent that bad, but you cant go out without getting notice , unless you have a really big jacket or something.
i stayed home most of the time, drive to the doctor with it. not really a big problem. theres a pin to keep the drain and suction thingy (lol, dont know whats it called) from putting any pressure and weight around the surgery area. when i did went to the doc to take it out, for a few seconds i let it all hang without any support and i can feel alittle pain at my surgery area where the tubes went in. not that bad.

Was it painfull to have the drains taken out?
I'm really scared that it will hurt like a b*tch...
Probably on Monday they're coming out.

Offline Nightmare

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Congrats to both of you guys!

Quick question if you don't mind, what are the drains like, are they uncomfortable?
the drains arent that bad, but you cant go out without getting notice , unless you have a really big jacket or something.
i stayed home most of the time, drive to the doctor with it. not really a big problem. theres a pin to keep the drain and suction thingy (lol, dont know whats it called) from putting any pressure and weight around the surgery area. when i did went to the doc to take it out, for a few seconds i let it all hang without any support and i can feel alittle pain at my surgery area where the tubes went in. not that bad.

Was it painfull to have the drains taken out?
I'm really scared that it will hurt like a b*tch...
Probably on Monday they're coming out.
It might varies from different person to person. But it will feel very weird cause the tube was in my chest alot longer then i thought. well the right side was alot longer in my chest then the  my left side. with my left side, I didnt even feel anything when he took it out.
with the right right, it just feels totally weird. hard for me to describe it cause i never felt like anything like it. but yes, the right side did hurt. but it only last for a few seconds. nothing to worry about. but no matter how much it hurts, it will only be for a few seconds, and really no amount of physicall pain can compare to the many many years of  emotional pain. dont even worry about it bro.

Offline nipplevision

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Congrats to both of you guys!

Quick question if you don't mind, what are the drains like, are they uncomfortable?
the drains arent that bad, but you cant go out without getting notice , unless you have a really big jacket or something.
i stayed home most of the time, drive to the doctor with it. not really a big problem. theres a pin to keep the drain and suction thingy (lol, dont know whats it called) from putting any pressure and weight around the surgery area. when i did went to the doc to take it out, for a few seconds i let it all hang without any support and i can feel alittle pain at my surgery area where the tubes went in. not that bad.

Was it painfull to have the drains taken out?
I'm really scared that it will hurt like a b*tch...
Probably on Monday they're coming out.
It might varies from different person to person. But it will feel very weird cause the tube was in my chest alot longer then i thought. well the right side was alot longer in my chest then the  my left side. with my left side, I didnt even feel anything when he took it out.
with the right right, it just feels totally weird. hard for me to describe it cause i never felt like anything like it. but yes, the right side did hurt. but it only last for a few seconds. nothing to worry about. but no matter how much it hurts, it will only be for a few seconds, and really no amount of physicall pain can compare to the many many years of  emotional pain. dont even worry about it bro.

I follow you on the remark about 'weird feelings'. It wasn't until this week that I had a sensation of fluids dripping off my skin, from the INSIDE! Feels totally weird. After I take my compression vest off and sit upright, I get this sensation.

And indeed, those few seconds of pain do not compare to the emotional pain throughout the years.

I don't want to think twice about taking my shirt off EVER again. Am looking forward to seeing my nipples without those stickers on them.
Right now my chest is still a bit swollen and bruised (especially the left side). But I do feel a LOT better than earlier this week.
Tomorrow the drains are coming out. From then on I can come outside again :-)

Offline nipplevision

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Yesterday, my doc took the drains out. It was a piece of cake :-)
Only hurt once, when he took out a blood clot or something.
Now I can move around freely again! I feel reborn or something.

He also replaced the patches on my nipples, so I got a first look at my nipples post op. The right one looked flat and perfect. The left one was slightly puffier, but nowhere near as puffy as before the operation. Might be some swelling I don't know...
The left nipple was also the one with the most tissue behind it. I think the aureola is also a bit bigger than the right one.
My left pec is also a bit bigger so maybe that plays some tricks on how I see the results. But anyway, I was thrilled to see that the big puffy nipples were no more!

Now it's only a matter of resting and not getting overenthousiastic with wanting to work out again etc.
I'm wearing the compression vest day & night but it's not bothering me. I hope the weather won't get too hot.

Also took a shower for the first time in 5 days yesterday. Man that felt good. Incredible how those armpits can smell haha.

Anyway I hope my chest heals well, but as the doc said (my GP, not the surgeon), "it's looking good".


Offline nipplevision

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Hi guys,

today we are 17 days post op. Since this morning, when I took off my compression vest to take a shower, I noticed slight puffiness in both nipples again. I've worn the vest every day 24/7, except when I took a shower once a day.
The puffiness isn't as bad as before the op, but it is there... The first two weeks after the op, my nipples looked great!
I hope this is just a temporary situation in the healing process.
Nipples are also very sensitive at this moment but I guess that's normal. When I rub them gently, I get this burning sensation. But it's not painful or something.

I know there are various stages in the post op healing, and I hope this is just one of them, and that it will go away over the months to come...


Offline user87

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any pics? would be interesting to see your chest

Offline nipplevision

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In the first 3 pics, my nipples are a bit cold so they are smaller than normal. The other pics show them in a 'puffier' state.

Tell me, do I need to worry?
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 11:40:03 AM by nipplevision »


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