Author Topic: Surgery in two days. My story  (Read 3121 times)

Offline camarojoe

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Hey Guys. Im 24 years old now, Been here for 6 years or so. I finally can afford this after years of saving, and im ready for it. Im nervous for the procedure, but excitd for the results and an improved outlook on my body image.

I want to start a log through my recovery for guys in a similar situation as me. I have minor gynecomastia, bascally puffy nipples. you know, the typical 'When My nipples are erect, I look great' thing.... thats always been the sturggle, trying to keep my nipple erect and enjoy life. (pictures below). I havent let it stop me from doing things, Ive had alot of girls, ive been to beaches ive spent hours without a shirt out.... I just didnt see a point in avoiding the fun stuff, but the gyne is always heavy on my mind. Im sure I dont need to explain myself further. Im ready for a permenant change!

Ive had gyne as long as I can remember. I have ALL the embarresing and hurtfull memories that I read here. I can remember so many times I has just devistated. I was overweight, I was unhappy, I was drug addicted, and I was depressed. I decided to do somthing about it. I lost 50 pounds when I was 18. Basically, I was left as a skinny-fat 150 kid:

Note that I have extreamly erect nipples in this photo. (thats how ALL my photos were ;) ) ...seriously, i have gyne, see below

I spent the next 5 years getting into shape and changing my life. I took up weightlifting/bodybuilding as a hobby and have spend ALOT of time in the gym. I gained 50 pounds, and sit here today at 195lbs, and in decent (to me) physical shape (pics below). Ive studied nutrition and the human body, I got clean, I saved my money, and I even graduated from college with a degree in engineering. Im proud of all those things, and I guess this is the reward to myself.

Ive seen 4 surgeons over the years, and finally decided on one. I will have ultrasonic liposuction (similar to Dr. Jacobs) to remove the gland (and, thanks to you guys...) I was ASSUURED that if the ultrasonic method was not removing the gland effectivly, he will excise it traditionally (which I assume he will end up doing)

The struggle has always been trying to conceal the puffy nipples. just look at the difference in appearence when erect, and when puffy. I tried being under 10% bodyfat, didnt help. Tried crazy amounts of cardio, didnt help. Tried rx drugs (stupid...), didnt help. I guess the good news is that I have built a body, and this is the final piece. I will have the surgery, recover, get back to lifting heavy then this spring, get lean, and stay lean for good. pheeew! its been a long road guys. I I can finally see the end of the road, and what a relief.

here is 2 summers ago, lean and erect nipples:

Here is me today, bigger, little higher bodyfat, and erect nipples:

This is also me today, close up, puffy nipples. the difference is very noticable:

You can see how much muscle ive packed on my chest and my entire body, which has actually made the problem more pronunced, and more bothersome to me. gyne is funny in a way, Theres no way I would be in this kind of shape without it. It can be a great motivator to get in shape.

Ive confided in my Father over the years, who in his own way, was very suportive. He even offered to pay for it a few years back.... But I refused. I could see how my condition was actually bringing him down. He has struggled with his weight and body image his entire life (as most of my family members have). you see, My family looks up to me in a way, as the health consious guy who changed his life for the better. they ask for diet plans and wrkout regimens etc. so, I keep my condition and the way i felt about it to myself and used it as modivation for change. I decided to deal with this alone. I feel like they would be hurt if I told them now. I have told my girlfriend of the operation, but only half of the truth. She has no idea I have a problem with the way I look becuase I tried to never let it get me down. She will be taking me and picking me up. I told her I have to have my breast tissue removed for medical reasons and its no big deal... Same with my frieds who will surely question where ill be while im recovering.

well, thats it guys. Ive mentally prepared myself for the operation, and the embarressment that will surely ensue getting this kind of operation (I expecially hate sitting in the plastic surgeons waiting room). . The phone calls from the surgery center have really been plesent  ::) ...

Im hoping for the best, and great results... and a nice recovery. I will update this thread as the events unfold.
Id also like to say thanks for the years of support, and all the info here. Theres NO WAY id be getting this done without you fellas.


Offline freefromG

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how did it all go mate??


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