Let me give ya'll my story...I have been living with never taking my shirt off since I was 13 years old...I have always been a shade over weight and I always thought my GYne. was due to that.When I was about 24 I dropped down to about 175 pounds on my 6'2 frame....I still had a flabby chest..still wouldn't take off my shirt....I have worked out ever since because I read in a workout mag that the only way to combat this condition was to add mass to your chest..well I bench 405 now and still not working..the top of my chest is hard, but when you get down to the Nipple its just a blob of crap, ones bigger than the other I hate it...I am 33 years old now and have a son who loves the beach...I want to go and play with him in the ocean but I am so self concious cause I was teased so much as a young man....Can ya'lll please help me find a way to end this....I never new this may be a condition that I can't just lose..thanks..will my insurance cover this?...I have got to do someting..I hae looked at alot of pictures and seen nothing as bad as mine.....