I have finally scheduled my surgery for the 15th of January, and with the date rapidly approaching my excitement has been met with nervousness after they took my blood. I have had several consultations and failed plans of going through with the procedure, but with the 4 vials of my blood gone reality has set in. I have been on this site even more now reading about everyones experiences and have discovered that the surgery is the easy part.
Everynight I have been trying to train myself to sleep on my back but sleep just doesn't come. I am doing my best to prepare for a smooth recovery but don't know what to do about the whole sleeping on my back thing. I am thinking of buying one of those tempuerpedic pillows or maybe taking pills to knock me out.. but i don't want do that for 8 weeks..
Has anyone out there found a way to deal with this?
Also for the doctors, I want to conquer the sleeping on the back thing to avoid swelling and speed my recovery. I have read several of your posts and the general consensus is that sleeping on my side can create more swelling. What exactly causes this? Is it the lipo or the removal of the gland? I am doing smart lipo and excision, and was told that the lipo is a lot less invasive and leaves virtually no scar.
Thanks for any input at all
Sleeping on injured sculpted structures can hurt, impair healing, and cause new injury. This is not just surgery, but true for any injury. The problem can be made much easier by minimizing the degree of trauma or injury. The best way I know how to do that is to
avoid such techniques that use ultrasonic or "smart" liposuction. I have seen just too many horrible results from this technique from other doctors. Each patient I revise from such other surgeon's misadventures has commented that they had much less
Swelling and Bruising After my Gynecomastia Surgery Techniques and a quicker more
comfortable recovery than with their previous ultrasonic disaster. Try to find early after surgery pictures, pain medication needs, and recovery issues for any doctors' particular techniques to verify their claims. The sooner swelling and bruising go down, the sooner a patient heals, the sooner a patient will be able to sleep on the sculpted tissues. Start out with less damage to tissues, and the body has less to heal.
Scars are not just on the surface, but extend throughout the sculpted field. I just revised another ultrasonic liposuction disaster and the internal scarring from that surgeon were just horrific. This is common for what I have seen with that method.
Sleeping on the back is inconvenient, but a "price" almost all of my patients are glad to go through to quicken recovery. This can become less of an issue with better surgical techniques.
Hope this helps,
Michael Bermant, MD
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