Author Topic: 3 weeks post op - diet and weights advice please  (Read 2588 times)

Offline dtc78

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Hi guys

3 weeks post op now, things are going well, all bandages etc came off after around 2 weeks, there is still a fair bit of swelling
which i assume is normal? Im def flatter than i was but they still stick out a bit but when i feel the area im pretty sure is still
fairly swollen. there is quite a bit of scar tissue too so ive started massaging. Im only wearing the vest in the eves now and will
continue to do so for as long as i can stick it?!

I just wanted to ask some advice on diet. I have very little muscle mass at mo and probs a bit of a flabby tummy, i intend to hit the gym
soon, taking it easy at the start, as i want to tone up the belly and work on my arms etc. First of all, am i ok going back to the gym 4 weeks post op, can i run etc or wud this be too traumatic? Also weights wise when can i start on chest and arms?

In terms of diet, does anybody have any tips on the right stuff to eat etc, i know i need a more protein based diet but i was wondering if anybody knew of any good websites that offer dietary advice?

Thanks in advance guys

Offline thetodd

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Forget the diet sites and hardcore diet routines, its a nightmare to keep up

My diet (is very boring but consists of this during the day)
2 Portions of chicken and rice or 2 Portions of tuna and pasta
1 Protein bar , and a nutrigrain
3 apples, 1 bannana (in the morning), Pineapple if i feel hungry later on at night
2 Muller Light yogurts
and for tea ... anything thats not oven/microwave crap
Shakes, 1 a day or 2 on gym days (Get some USN IGF-1 its the bollocks you wont get fat!)

and thats it ... no chocolate no biccies no shite. I have a lucozade before the gym if im a bit drained but apart from that not much . Also if you eat a lot of bread cut down on it, its full of carbs! Forget the weights for now youl look bulked up n fat its a crap look try doing a boxer type workout. Kettle bell workouts (haaard trust me) and loads of situps and pressups

running should be fine get a nike training vest (tight one), and put a tshirt over it. Maybe try some road running it will work on your core more than a treadmill. If you dont fancy running go down the gym and use the crosstrainer you can go wrong with them

Good luck!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2010, 09:35:16 AM by thetodd »
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline phantom51red

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I aint been on here for months,post op 6 months now,and very happy,good to see yer still on here todd,and sound advice that is you have given once more mate,youre diets similiar to mine,no point in gettin rid of moobs if not watching rest of body too. :),lean and mean fighting machine is best.

Offline chad1721

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Hi mate,

I am a personal trainer and work in a gym and as a football coach, Todd is right you would probably be better with a circuit style programme with a few compound exercises and body weight exercises, this will give you a leaner look without your shirt on.

This would be a good foundation work out to get you up and running.Try super setting these exercises 12 reps on each with 1 minute rest in between. 3 sets on each pair of exercises.

Bench Press
Lat Pull Down

Press Ups
Pull Ups

Shoulder press
Leg press

Finish with a core stability- Crunches, sits ups, knee raises, erector spinai, ab curls, plank, bridge, swiss ball. Choose one and rotate after each session- 4 sets to failure.

Tis will get you started and then you could move onto a more advanced programme, 3 times per week day on day off. On your day off hit a 3 mile road run at 60-75% of your MHR.

Diet- try to eat small meals often and source your carbs from whole meal products unless directly before or after a work out. Here is my diet.

Meal 1- Rolled oats with half pint semi skimmed milk and 1 scoop reflex instant whey

Meal 2- 250 grams Wholegrain rice, tin of tuna in spring water, apple

Meal 3- 250 grams Whole grain rice, 2 peices smoked macrel

Pre work out- Banana

During work out- 2 litres water

Post work out- 2 scoops of instant whey in water, banana

Meal 3- chicken, rice and green veg/ stir fry/ chicken pasta/ Chicken Curry/ Chicken Curry/ Steak

Meal 4- oats, scoop reflex instant whey.

try to cut out all refined sugar and try and source as many organic products as possible.

treat yourself on the week ends to a few lagers, fish and chip supper, chinese, and then eat healthy and balanced through the week.

If you want to reduce body fat try doing your running first thing in the morining on an empty stomach, just make sure you drink at least 1 pint of water to so you don't de-hydrate.

Offline dtc78

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Thank you so much guys, thats exactly the type of stuff i needed to know. If you go online u read shitloads of stuff that contradicts each other so its good to get proper advice thats clearly tried and tested.

Just one more question, like i said im 3 weeks post op, am i ok doing sit ups and press ups now? I have pretty good mobility since the op, the chest is just a bit tight thats all.

Cant wait to get back to the gym, i trained for a marathon just before the op so i lost a fair bit of muscle mass especially on my arms so i cant wait to get back on it!

Thanks again fellas

Offline thetodd

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Good to hear from you phantom, you got any more pics i remember your post op results being pretty much flawless.

thats a diet lol! if you think you can stick it for a few weeks then youre on the way to six packville. Drinking at the weekend always lets me down hangover then kfc its a vicious circle but you only live once i guess. Running in the morning is a great tip i lost loads of weight doing this. With that diet and a decent workout plan youl be ripped on no time.


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