Author Topic: 3 weeks post op and need some advice please.  (Read 2000 times)

Offline BillyRayValentine

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Hi guys, it's been a while since I last posted but since then I have had lipo to the chest (armpit incision) with gland excision (areola incision) just over 3 weeks ago with Karidis.  The bruising has mostly gone but I am concerned about my nipples and the immediately surrounding skin sticking to something underneath (could be the muscle).  If I try to raise my hands above my head or to far too the side I have a painful tugging feeling on the nipple.  You can see the rest the skin on my chest move as I raise my arms but nipple and just around it seem to be anchored in place.

Is this normal?  Has anyone else experienced this and how did it work out with time?  Also, should I be starting to regularly stretch to help solve the problem as well as the massaging?

Im hoping that a few of you tell me that this is normal and it will resolve itself with time.  At the moment this does not feel good at all.



Offline thetodd

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yeah thats normal if you ask me mate, what are you doing raising your arms above your head anyway you mad man ;)

Its going to be a bit uncomfortable for some time yet mate, just keep massaging get some Bio oil it helps so much. 3 weeks isnt that log post op im 5 1/2weeks post and i get that if i move my arms behind the back its just the hard scar tissue pressing against your muscle mate

dont worry
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline kingboob

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I'm not  doctor, but my guess would be that if you have craters then there is a good chance you have a  tethering effect caused by the skin sticking the the  muscle underneath......... too much fat removed possibly.

However if you don't have craters then it is more than likely just normal scar tissue making things go a bit funky for a while  -  This is the most likely thing and it will improve over time....... I know that is the frustrating answer but it is so true, your chest will change dramatically (for the better) over the next few months!

Offline BillyRayValentine

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Thanks for the replies.  When my chest is relaxed all looks and feels fine and there are no visible craters.  When I contract my pecs the skin at the bottom of my nipples do seem to be stuck to something underneath and this gives me a concave look around the nipple.  Same thing happens when I try to raise my hands, nipples are stuck in place.  I will continue to massage and do light stretching everyday and just hope that this resolves itself. 

Does anyone know if Karadis would be able to do anything for a nipple that after normal recovery time is still stuck in place?


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