Author Topic: Pain Related to Surgery  (Read 2589 times)

Offline Ernest1

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Hi there.  I have a question for those of you that have gone through surgery.  This issue has been a lifelong one for me.  I don't have a huge problem of gyno, but mostly just a bit of fat with somewhat puffy nipples.  If been able to somewhat maintain normal semblence when i go out by lightly pinching my nipples when in situations where i've had to remove my shirt for some periods of time.  When i pinch them lightly, they get 'erect' and my chest area looks totally normal.  As i'm sure many of you could relate, if only it could stay like that i would have no issue.  :(

Anyway, my question is about the surgery.  I had an opiate problem for a couple of years (originally started taking pain pills after an accident and it snowballed into a problem).  I had a bad problem with oxys and am taking a drug currently that is similar to methedone (called suboxone for anyone who cares).  I'm trying to ease down off this medication in the next 4 months or so.  I may not have surgery till i'm done with it, but not sure.  

My gyno issue was from before the oxys.  I started smoking pot when i was around 15 or so.  I don't know if the gyno was entirely related to just my hormones changing at that age, or was aided significantly by the reefer use.  I always thought it was sort of reefer related (after smoking you could feel the issue - some who may have smoked may know what i'm talking about).  I haven't smoked pot for years.  I'm 33 now and have suffered with the issue since i was a teenager.  Probably since around 19 or 20.  I used to smoke a ton of pot (i know, not a good thing...if i had known about this issue i probably never would have - but yeah, hindsight)

So i'm wondering if the surgeon i go to will allow me to do the surgery fearing i may need pain pills for after it.  Not sure if i should tell them or not.  I'm almost leaning to not, if its sort of a minor issue.  Meaning if the pain after surgery is not so bad, and can be easily handled without medication, i may not address the issue.  I'm not worrying about relapsing or anything if they give me some percocets or whatever.  More just worried about the fact that i could be in serious pain and won't be able to do anything about it.  Anyone got some advice.  And, yeah, no need to give me shit about the pain pill thing.  I've already given myself a life's worth of guilt about my addiction phase.  Thx.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 03:23:02 AM by Ernest1 »


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