i am 17 years old and was wandering which do i have i know im overweight about 265 6'4 but i've had man boobs since i was 9 or 10.. when i was 14 i lost 50 lbs from a severe illness however i lost none in my chest.. which do i have?? (picture is attached) 
I don't know whether i have pseudo gyne or gyne but if i have pseudo is there a surgery for that the reason i think i have pseudo is b/c i am a lil overweight so that may be causing the man boobs.. however when i was younger around 14(now 17) i got real bad sick and lost 40 pounds but lost none in my chest
Pseudogynecomastia is a bad term that is supposed to be fat only gynecomastia. The problem with that "classification" is that in almost every case of gynecomastia I have seen there is some component of gland. This gland can be very small, but it is present almost all the time. So do you have Pseudo gynecomastia when there is a 1%, 10%, 50%, or 90% deformity from fat? Reality just does not work that way.
Weight loss is the first place to start for making oneself feel better about one's body. Weight loss is a coarse tool, you cannot pick where the fat goes on, nor where it comes off.
Male Body Fat Distribution tends to put fat on first on the belly and chest bands and takes it off those regions last. Early surgery is a bad gamble before weight loss. If you have early surgery, and then lose weight, and if the weight comes off in a male pattern, it may look like the gynecomastia has recurred. That is why as a surgical sculptor I prefer to use a coarse tool first and reserve the plastic surgery for refinement. Early before weight loss compromise surgery can never make an obese person not look obese. They are still cursed with global fat and breasts, just breasts of a smaller size.
For my patients I recommend that they get to a weight / body fat that they are comfortable with, let the skin compensate as much as it can, then consider surgery. During this weight loss
No Surgery Body Shaping Garments are a fantastic tool as a temporizing contour measure that many of patients, even those living in hot environments, use to put off the stress of body contour issues while they stabilize a problem or lose weight.
There is no magic trick to get the weight off. It is usually a combination of dieting, exercise, and hard work. But being patient can produce a better final result.
Hope this helps,
Michael Bermant, MD
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