Author Topic: Surgery Four Hours Ago  (Read 4740 times)

Offline twill1989

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Hey everyone. After years and years of dealing this problem, I had my surgery about four hours ago. Everything went according to plan according to the doctor and nurses. The doctor did smart libo on the sides of each breast, removed the glandular tissue, and performed a lift since my nipples, as a result of the gyne, were well below the pec muscle where they should have been. The worst part of the entire surgery was probably when they put in the IV. I dont like needles to begin with so I was already dreading that part.

So far I haven't needed to take any pain pills. The area is still rather numb so I'm not feeling any pain. There's discomfort mainly caused by the compression vest pulling on my chest hair and pinching skin under my arm. The drains arent bothering me right now. They're pretty much just an inconvience more so than anything else.

I'm really anxious to see how it turned out. It looks pretty flat but the drains, surgical dressings, and compression vest, coupled with the swelling are making it difficult to determine. I suppose this is the most frustrating part of the post surgery?

Offline twill1989

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Im starting to get a little nervous. There's a fair amount of excess bleeding on the left breast. The doctor said there would be some excess bleeding but it hasnt stopped yet. Is this something to be concerned about?

Offline nitrox987

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My best advice would be to call your surgeon and ask him.
Maybe he'll confirm this is normal or maybe he'll want to check it out, in both cases this should make you feel better.

Good luck in your recovery!

Offline twill1989

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His offices are closed unfortunately and I dont have another method of reaching him.

Offline nitrox987

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Call his office anyway, maybe there will be a voicemail with an after hours/emergency number.
If you're still concerned and can't get a hold of him, go to the ER.


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Im starting to get a little nervous. There's a fair amount of excess bleeding on the left breast. The doctor said there would be some excess bleeding but it hasnt stopped yet. Is this something to be concerned about?

Each doctor has his / her own methods. For my patients any bleeding is not typical especially anything that escaped my sealed dressings. A little spotting on the white telfa can happen, but even that is rare for my sculptures. I certainly would want to know about anything that increased anxiety for my patients.

His offices are closed unfortunately and I dont have another method of reaching him.

Patient education is key to a successful outcome. Preferably questions about access after surgery are addressed before the operation. Unanswered questions requiring forum posting, makes little sense to me.

Ambulatory surgery certification requires emergency number access. Doctor membership in our United States Plastic Surgery Societies requires that we only operate in certified operating rooms. I cannot believe a patient would not have access to his surgeon by phone for something like a concern about excess bleeding. My patients have access to me by phone for any such concerns. In some situations early intervention can be key to minimizing complications. If there is no access to an emergency service, there is always an emergency room, but that should not be necessary with any reputable Plastic Surgeon.

Check again you after surgery instructions and details given before surgery. It may be nothing at all, but your doctor or designee should be available for stress reducing answers or emergency intervention.

Good luck on your recovery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.
Board Certified
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Specializing in Gynecomastia and Surgical Sculpture of the Male Chest
(804) 748-7737

Offline twill1989

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Thanks for the advice. The bleeding has stopped now it seems. After doings some research it seems like it's the libo fluid and a mixture of blood. Some others have posted on the forums about similar things so I'm more at ease now. Thanks again


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Thanks for the advice. The bleeding has stopped now it seems. After doings some research it seems like it's the libo fluid and a mixture of blood. Some others have posted on the forums about similar things so I'm more at ease now. Thanks again

You are welcome.

Patient education about the specifics of a doctor's technique and surgeon availability for questions are critical factors in minimizing emotional stress after surgery. If you are still not sure how to get in touch with your doctor for emergencies, solve that issue as soon as possible. That is not something that should need to be asked in a forum and should be on the after surgery instructions given to you by your doctor.

Good luck on your recovery.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.
Board Certified
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Specializing in Gynecomastia and Surgical Sculpture of the Male Chest
(804) 748-7737

Offline twill1989

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Is there anything I can do to prevent the compression vest from cutting into my skin? particularly under my arms? I'm not really feeling any pain aside from that. And when do you think it would be safe for me to start driving again? I have a follow up appointment tomorrow. Should I get someone to drive me?


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Is there anything I can do to prevent the compression vest from cutting into my skin? particularly under my arms? I'm not really feeling any pain aside from that. And when do you think it would be safe for me to start driving again? I have a follow up appointment tomorrow. Should I get someone to drive me?

Calibrated compression is a key factor in comfort and protection. In my office each patient is fitted with both garments the day before surgery. We then put the first stage garment  on and adjust it the day of the surgery. The day after, I again verify the fitting of the garment. Without such efforts, a poorly adjusted garment can be uncomfortable, irritate tissues, or apply too much or too little pressure.

My patients are driving themselves after surgery. But they are comfortable on plain Tylenol. Patients should not drive if in pain or taking strong pain medications.

Such issues should be part of before surgery patient education. Calling you doctor and asking specifics is the best way to find what their techniques demand. Safety should come first.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, M.D.
Board Certified
American Board of Plastic Surgery
Member: American Society of Plastic Surgeons and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons
Specializing in Gynecomastia and Surgical Sculpture of the Male Chest
(804) 748-7737

Offline twill1989

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Just wanted to give everyone an update.

Tomorrow is the two week mark. So far I am completely satisfied with the results. I've taken the chest off only a few time to change bandages but even with the vest on, everything is flat. It's so great to be able to wear a tshirt finally! It was really windy today around campus and I instinctively reached to pull my shirt out away from me but then I realized there was nothing to see. No lumps sticking out from my chest! It's so wonderful. I'll post some pics soon.

The worst part of the surgery is probably the first one-four days afterwards. There really isn't much pain; it's just uncomfortable due to the drains. As soon as the drains came out I felt 100 percent better and everything was up hill from there.

I haven't seen much information about the Charleston, SC region on here, especially surgeons. So if there is anyone in the area who is looking for a surgeon, I highly suggest Dr. Robert Young.

Offline twill1989

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I just wanted to post pictures for everyone to see the results. It looks like there is still some swelling, particularly on the right side.

I'm a little over three weeks post op now. I'm genuinely satisfied with the results. There are times when I think he should have removed more fatty tissue but I think thats swelling as a result from a day's work.

Here are the preop photos:

Here are the post op photos:

Offline Entouragee

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how much was the total?

Offline twill1989

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