Its not a question of wether I have it or not. its a question of when am I getting these off.
I absolutely dislike my chest. they're the worst part of my body indeed.
Im just a regular 17 year old kid, going off to college in about 4 months ( SUNY Cortland woop!) living with a dark secret.
I have gynecomastia.
I've been living with it since I was 10 or 11 years old. I was overweight back when I was younger,
very overweight and that was when the G first started showing up. I walked hunched over so that
nobody could see my chest.
As i grew taller, I lost weight and I began to just live with my defect. But that never stopped me from
disliking what I have on my chest.
Im currently 5'9 and I weight 150 pounds.
about half a year ago I started working out, hoping to see if the G disappeared under the muscle
but I experienced the opposite, the muscle was hiding under the G.
I bench 225 , considering im 150 I may say thats pretty good, and I cant see the results because its hiding
under that gelatin like tissue.
My passion is acting and when I do shows, I have to change clothes, and its incredibly embarrasing to have to go
to a corner and hide myself from everyone else so they cant see my G.
I also participate in many shows in my school, for example, today (the day im posting this) I have a fashion show
in my school, and I as one of the models have to change into many different outfits, but its so embarrasing to see
all my friends just taking their shirts off and im not being able to because of this problem.
I did go to see Dr. Elliot Jacobs and he said I was indeed a candidate for surgery, (this was over a year ago)
but my family was going through some tough times and they weren't ready to pay the amount of the surgery.
So now im stuck between a rock and a hard place, now, although we did overcome the situation we were in,
its still going to be hard to get my parents to pay up. I might look for someone else to do the surgery for me, but
I know that Dr. Jacobs is one of the best out there and its my BODY, If im going to trust anyone, it should be
someone with loads of experience.
What I want to know is,
How bad is it?
on a scale of 1-10
here are some of my currently pictures.