Author Topic: Surgery...Mr. Levick - diary & PICTURES FINALLY ADDED! 4TH PAGE...  (Read 16503 times)

Offline kieran_22

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Hi all!

As promised, I'm going to run a bit of a blog/diary on here of how I get on with tomorrow's surgery. Bit nervous at the mo but completely looking forward to getting on with the rest of my life from tomorrow - all being well!!

I'll put some pre-op pictures on later tonight if I can figure out how to do it again!

Thanks again for all your help.

« Last Edit: September 18, 2011, 05:10:30 PM by kieran_22 »
Surgery with Mr. Levick on Thursday 18th August 2011 - currently recovering!

Offline somedude999

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Good luck for tomorrow mate.
Nothing to be nervous about so relax.
This time next week u will be removing ur bandages and seeing ur flat as a pancake chest :D

Offline kieran_22

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All done! Quite sore and tired as literally just come out - will
Update more soon!

Offline sawyer

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Hey, congrats on finally getting it done!
Apart from being tired, how do you feel?
How was the overall experience?

Offline somedude999

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Congrats mate !! tomorrow after a good sleep and you've had ur drains out you will start to feel a lot better.
Eat, rest and relax fella, you've done the hard part.

Offline kieran_22

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Hey, congrats on finally getting it done!
Apart from being tired, how do you feel?
How was the overall experience?


I honestly only really felt tired - no real pain at all as the nurses kept on top of the pain relief. I felt a bit sick after waking from the anaesthetic but they gave me some medicine in my intravenous thing in my hand and it sorted me out straight away.

My armpits are hurting a bit today, not really pain...more discomfort! The worst pain I've had so far was having the drains out - OUCH. I'm at home now and planning on just chilling out for a week and see how I feel - can't wait to see what I look like under the bandages - once I feel more up to it I'll get some pics put up...

People that read some of my posts from before will remember I had a fair bit of fat above the armpits, mr. Levick managed to get that out but it's resulted in a fair bit of swelling - I'm told it'll go down soon though.

Can't believe it's done, and I'm on the long road to recovery now - I'll keep you all up to date though the ups and downs - hopefully more ups than downs though!

Has anyone got any hints or tips to help recover quicker? I've heard arnica and pineapple help quite a bit, anything else??

Thanks lads!

Offline somedude999

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Arnica pineapple plenty of rest and sleep and eat well. Start going for light walks when u feel upto it.

I will tell u this so u don't worry, after my surgery with Levick I got a big lump under each armpit and it looked like bruising hematona etc it wasn't it was just swelling and it went completely after a month. Starts reducing after a couple weeks. Hope that helps.

Pancake zone will be revealed in a about 5 days lol. I could only bear wearing the bandage for 6 days btw mate.

Offline sawyer

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Hey, congrats on finally getting it done!
Apart from being tired, how do you feel?
How was the overall experience?


I honestly only really felt tired - no real pain at all as the nurses kept on top of the pain relief. I felt a bit sick after waking from the anaesthetic but they gave me some medicine in my intravenous thing in my hand and it sorted me out straight away.

My armpits are hurting a bit today, not really pain...more discomfort! The worst pain I've had so far was having the drains out - OUCH. I'm at home now and planning on just chilling out for a week and see how I feel - can't wait to see what I look like under the bandages - once I feel more up to it I'll get some pics put up...

People that read some of my posts from before will remember I had a fair bit of fat above the armpits, mr. Levick managed to get that out but it's resulted in a fair bit of swelling - I'm told it'll go down soon though.

Can't believe it's done, and I'm on the long road to recovery now - I'll keep you all up to date though the ups and downs - hopefully more ups than downs though!

Has anyone got any hints or tips to help recover quicker? I've heard arnica and pineapple help quite a bit, anything else??

Thanks lads!

Nice one mate, you happy with the result so far then?
How's sleeping on your back? I'm dreading that bit :/

Offline kieran_22

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I haven't seen anything yet, but it feels flat under the bandages!

Levick said it went well and he took a fair bit out, I'm just looking forward to next Thurs/Fri to ripping off the bandages and properly getting on with stuff - stuck in my bed at the mo!

The sleeping on my back isn't bad...sure it will get annoying after a couple more days though!

Offline kieran_22

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Quick update...

The swelling on my left armpit has gone down completely now but my right armpit is still swollen and looks like it's got a golf ball stuck in it - I'm a bit worried that it didn't drain properly and that I'm gonna have to get it drained again :(

Feeling a bit frustrated today, keeping these bandages on isn't easy at all in this heat and topped off with the swelling of my right armpit is just doing my head in.

Anyone think I should try and contact Levick regarding the swelling or just leave it and ride it out?

Offline sawyer

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I think most people would say ride it out..
How long's it been there?

Offline somedude999

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Sounds normal to me mate but I'd phone one of Levicks secretary's tomorrow morning, they are very helpful and will put you at ease.

Keep us posted and don't stress ;0)

Offline somedude999

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Btw just remembered i also had one side more swollen than the other and once the bandage comes off it helps the swelling reduce more if u know what I mean as it was very tight.

If u do phone tomorrow ask if u can take ur bandages off a day or so early.

Offline kieran_22

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Ahh ok, it just seems weird because it feels like there is a lump in it too...


Offline somedude999

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Ahh ok, it just seems weird because it feels like there is a lump in it too...


Seriously mate I had the exact same thing, it was a hard lump.
I even went down to see the nurse at the GP's and she said it was fine. Can't tell u what it was tbh mate as I don't know but it did completely disappear within a month and started reducing a few days after I removed bandages.

If you read some older journals of Levick patients you will see that its quite common.


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