It's been a while since my last update!
I'm now 8 days post op and have been taking it very easy!
Since my last post:
I've been back in the gym since day 5 taking light walks on the treadmill. Nothing too strenuous but a little exercise has worked wonders both physically and mentally.
I'll be keeping physical activity to a minimum until about week 3 at the earliest I think. Best to avoid overdoing it!
Nutrition-wise I've been keeping my protein intake as high as possible, getting some extra vitamin c and taking Arnica.
I've noticed significant improvements every day so it's been pretty easy to keep positive!
I did suffer a minor set back as I had an allergic reaction to one of the meds. My mid section broke out in a light rash and there was some swelling.
After a quick call to Mr. Levick I was just told to cease taking them immediately and the problems had all but left overnight!
Yesterday, after an itchy, sleepless night on day 6, I got the all clear for bandage removal!
After reading some peoples previous experiences on the forum I combined all the best tips I could find!
Here is the easiest, pain-free method:
- Run a nice hot bath and soak there for about 25 minutes.
- Soak some cotton buds in baby oil and gently dab along the edge of the plaster
- The edge of the plaster should come off with little-to-no resistance at this stage, but apply more baby lotion between the skin and the bandage as needed!
- Once you can run you finger along inside the front of the bandage and have started to lift the edges off the support bandages at the back,
grab a scissors and cut vertically straight through the center of the padding, splitting the bandage in half
- Fold open both sides and take a look at your new chest for the first time!
- Gently peel off the remaining bandages on each side using baby oil as needed
- use ZOFF bandage adhesive removal wipes to remove any adhesive residue (available on eBay, possibly in boots)
Using this method, I had no problem at all taking the bandages off. They basically just fell off and didn't take any hair/skin with them!
Before I even began removing the dressings, I knew I wasn't going to see the final result. I would need to take what I saw with a pinch of salt as it would be changing drastically over the coming months.
When I saw my chest for the first time, I was in shock. There was a time when not a day went by that I didn't look in the mirror and wish things could have been different.
I would have given anything to look in the mirror and not have what I saw staring right back at me. That day had finally come.
They say money cant buy happiness.. Those people clearly never needed gynecomastia surgery!

The result is amazing. Although it's early days, and there is alot of healing and building to be done over the coming months, the improvement even at this stage is phenomenal.
I've included a pic below taken 7 days post op just after removing the bandages, I'll post more over the weekend! (note: you need to log in to see it)