Author Topic: reasons not to use a general surgeon for gyne procedure?  (Read 1678 times)

Offline freak

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I've gathered that the majority of the people on here would say that a plastic surgeon is the way to go when seeking to have your gynecomastia taken care of. My folks who are loaning me some $ keep asking why cant go to a general surgeon. My mom had breast cancer and said her gs removed her lump perfectly and does those procedures all the time. Can you guys help me out here and give me some more reasons to go to a ps rather than a gs other than they do more of these procedures? thanks.

Offline cornsyrup

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Because gynecomastia surgery is more than just lipo and excision--it's also shaping and modeling the likes only a trained plastic surgeon can handle. When a GP does a gyne surgery, they probably will take out too much fat or too little or suck you dry, and it may leave a crater deformity, nipple folds, skin folds, etc. These are things you don't want.

Just my opinion.

Offline Paa_Paw

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We live in an age of specialization. There was a time when you took your car to an all around mechanic who could repair just about anything that might go wrong with a car. Now you go to one shop to buy tires and get the brakes worked on. another for wheel alignment. One mechanic does engine work while he has a friend that does transmissions. You still need another to fix the electrical systems and then there is the Air condition specialist. Finally you are done. Unless you need some body work done. What is that? you need a window replaced? Guess what?

Now lets look a medicine and surgery. If all the worlds medical knowledge were to be collected together in 1900, How long do you think is took to double that store of knowledge? Actually it took only about 50 years. To double again took only about 5 years. Since the 1950's advances are so fast that information may be out of date before it can be published. Of medications prescribed today, nearly 80% did not exist in their present form 15 years ago.

What was your question again? Or should we talk about other technologies first?

If you want something done well, then you really need an apropriate specialist.

Grandpa Dan


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