Author Topic: My Moobs are killing my confidence  (Read 8417 times)


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Hi there this is my first post on hear so if you have clicked on this then thanks. I have never spoken to anyone who has a gyne problem like myself so I want to share my story. I've had moobs since i was about 12 years old and i am now coming up for 21, I've never had a weight problem, always been pretty slim but yet moobs!! It's been almost a decade now having this and recently it's been getting me really down..well it always did but never this bad. A few months ago my left moob has swollen and now it looks comparably bigger than the other one, is this common? My moobs aren't large, pretty mild in size..maybe type 2 i think. Can sure bet the puffy nipples take the cherry on the fucking cake in terms of embarrassment!

I did get bullied in my earlier years at secondary school but not really because of my moobs more just me, although the odd comments were said like well only one i can remember have moobs and breasts! Yeah i was lucky with the moob insults lol i knew why though because there was another guy in my class how had quite large boobs and he got it pretty bad with the slagging. I suppose my moobs hide in the shadow of his. I did have sympathy for the guy but he was no friend. He just tried to be a Ned (glaswegian non educated delinquent) like the rest of them and failed at it.

When i got to my 3rd year i had reinvented myself..I learned bass guitar and formed a band that won the school battle of the bands. That gave me popularity around the more decent people in my school, started making new friends and dating girls and so on. My moobs had become less of a problem. I had said to myself don't let these moobs cramp your style, i saw them like a sort of ying yang..stopped me from being judgemental of others and the bright side is one day i'd get rid of of them for good!!

For a guy with mild gynecomastia i think i've done ok with sexual relationships but the past few months my confidence with women has went way down. I worry that they can see my moobs and I know that I am insecure about them..which is just not the guy i used too be. I am going down the nhs route to op for surgery..fingers crossed i suppose


Offline TigerPaws

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Self confidence comes from within, not from a surgeons knife. Pull yourself up by your own boot laces and you may find that your perceived trouble with your breasts comes into perspective. Then if you still desire surgery, you are doing it for the right reasons.

People bully because you (and others) allow them to, bullies are cowards and easily dealt with. 

Offline Paa_Paw

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TigerPaws is right on. If you got bullied and teased, it was because you made a good victim. Surgery will not stop that. Bullies will tease and mock a person because of their hair, color, Freckles, teeth, etc. or if they have a really good victim, they will make something up.

Confidence is what you develop that stops the bullies from teasing. In my youth, I took up wrestling. I could hurt anyone who thought I was fun to tease. Word gets around and the torment stops.

I do not know what the type 2 is that you mention. Here, we usually do not grade things. Excess tissue is excess tissue and you either live with it or have surgery to reduce it. Puffy nipps or well formed breasts big enough to fill out a bra, it makes little difference here.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Jake7676

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I feel your pain, and everyone on this forum should do, i am 17 years of age and have Gynecomastia, you have been lucky with them insults. People has been saying stuff to me like "can you give me a breast wank" , "wheres your bra" "your boobs are bigger than my girlfriends" yes i allowed them till the age of 16, but i am 17 years old now, anyone says this shit to me ill turn back and give knock the the shit out of them. The funny thing is i know i am more stronger than these punks regardless of my man boobs, ill knock any of them out, i have 2 years in thaiboxing experience 1 year in boxing 1 year in karate, have a confident fighting background.
Therefore be happy be confident, i am 90 kilograms at the height of 1.80, the funny thing is even if i lose another 10kg my man boobs will still be there! can you believe it? can you believe how hard it is for me to train with motivation, sweet and blood to get fit when at the end of the day I KNOW THE FACT that boobs wont go even if i lose 10 kilograms because i am a Gyno sufferer!

Offline Paa_Paw

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The thing that is really sad is that he signed in last Feb. and only logged 2 hours making only one post. I think he would find real support here if only he would keep in touch.

Offline walt

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yeah , i dont allways post but do read daily. i agree with Dan this young poster needed to connect with the group more freequently, violence never solves anything.a whitty return does more for self confidence than a knuckle old and cann get away with alot , yes i have boobs and yes i wear a bra so whats the deal. if someone is making a negative comment about you then they are not secure in their own mind,we are here to help others so use the forum !


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Walt and Dan, when you get some years on you as the three of us have, we come to realize that someone else being bothered by us or any man having breast brought on by health issues or natural life cycles and not on deliberatly, becomes their problem, not ours!


Offline walt

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true Hammer but alas i do have years on me im not far from retirement,and have had boobs from 11yrs old on ,all the relentless boob pinching and tune in tokyo i endured made me bitter but i have learned to deal and live with who i am.anyhow blessings to all .

Offline Paa_Paw

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The subject line includes the word confidence. I find it odd that the originator of the thread did not mention any way in which his his self confidence has been adversly impacted as a direct result of having Gynecomastia. Actually, his comments indicated a Lad who had managed to develop some self confidence (and pride) through his activity in music.

We have no confidence or ptide until we havd accomplished something. I fail to understand how Gynecomastia would even enter into the arena of confidence or pride.

what did I miss?


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Dan, I think he identified with the other guy, however didn't have as bad of a problem, but yet had a very low self esteem/self confidence! It was the music the made him find that he was good at something that help build up the self confidence / self esteem.!

Of course I am reading between the lines! I have knew people that thought that they where worthless until they found one thing that they were very good at!  Truth is, people have a multitude of talents that can be profected with practice or training

« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 11:36:03 AM by hammer »

Offline bluemrgreen

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You guys are good guys

As Elvis would say, "well thank you very much".
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 11:20:16 AM by hammer »


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Confidence is key high self esteem and being able to let the uninportant things go is the way to go,who cares what other people think thats my motto,to deal with a biggot yea you could knock them out and yes I wanted to many times but that only reduces you to a lower leval or to there leval,I have said this a million times,everyone has there faults no one is perfect,I have found that dealing with an not a nice person is easy,they might make fun of your moobs but all I do is turn it around,you want to point out whats different about me,thats fine but two can play that game,I might have boobs but look at your teeth you know what a tooth brush is,I might have boobs but look at your bald head,you want to play a game of pool your head can be the cue ball,oh yes sweetie I have boobs and they are bigger than yours maybe you can put my bra on backwards it might fit you better...I might have boobs but your breath stinks,what did you do,eat a cows not a nice person out....I might have boobs but the salvation army called they want the clothes to took out of the poor box long as they open that can of worms I will empty it all over them...

you will find that pointing out a bullys or a boggots faults right in front of the same people they tried to embarise <sp> you in front of works wonders,and then if they cant take a joke and try to get violent with you then knoick them out and ask how does it feel to get knocked out by a guy with breasts....

Me I have boobs, I wear a bra and I dont care who knows it,if you like me for the person I am,how I act, how I treat others, if you like my personallty great,we can be friends,if you just want to judge me for how I look,if you think I am a weirdo just because I look different than you or if you want to judge what kind of person I am by just the way I look, I dont need you,you are nothing in my book and what ever nothing has to say about me makes not a bit of differene to me ,so say what you want,if you think you can handle the ride on that train....

Offline HellandBack

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the worst i hate are indirect comments or innuendos.. the yellow bellies! I never feel the need to speak on that because i feel if they have the balls they would say it straight up  ;D


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It has been a long time since I have logged onto my account and this is probably a long lost thread now. Seeing these replies to this post has made me wish I had stayed on to see them and kept in touch. I suppose I have portrayed myself as a victim in this post, I wrote this when I was feeling pretty low. I did get bullied which is true but I am not a weak person."Killing my Confidence is an over statement I regret ever naming this post. When I think of all the way I have come from having gyno since I was 12 I am pretty fucking confident but the problem is it's when I need to be! I view this site a lot and read a lot of guys posts I just gave up on having my own account because I thought this post had gone unnoticed but hell was I wrong. Thanks for the comments       


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