Author Topic: looks like killing myself is hard to stop  (Read 9988 times)

Offline ihatemyselfalot

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im 21 and very fed up of life

i have been very skinny as a kid and when i was about 12 or 13 i started getting gyne.. i tried excercise wouldnt work... when i was around 14 or 15 was made fun of in locker room at school.. but as i was skinny the gyne would be hidden because of clothes.. i know that if someone is skinny their gyne can be hidden.. for example if u are medium sized wear large clothing... anyway i am now really overweight 16 stone.. and my body shape is an laughing matter... i cant deal with sugery i dont want surgeons looking at my stomoch and i cant deal with the pain.. when i went to india most ppl made comments.. i thought it was a puberty thing well i dont think so now! and i feel killing myself would be okay because i wont have to live anymore

now all you other ppl with gyne at least u dont have other things wrong with you.. i have been cursed with an overlapping chin, loss of hair. and gyne..

there is no cure for me


Offline 4tuneit1

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There are no cures, but all of your problems could be improved on, or fixed with PS or other means.

I lost my hair at 18...and had gyne..and was nearly crippled by a motorcycle accident...So what did i do? I shave my head (the ladies love it), i learned to walk again (6months of PT), and i went to this website to learn about a solution for my Gyne.  I just had surgery and no longer have it.  Life is good...i'm not complaining.  There  is always someone with more severe problems than physical ones...burn patients, paraplegics...etc  Life is what YOU make of it...and you have alot of life to start making...

Offline aloe

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Just looked up stone/pound conversion.  One stone equals 14 pounds.   Other than that, I have nothing to add to what has already been said, except that I agree wholeheartedly.  

Offline markashleigh1979

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Hi, Ihatemyselfalot  :).

First i just want to say slow down!!!! You are 21 with a full life a head of you...don't let a few problems stop you. Like givemeresprite said your hair loss could be down to your addressing your weight problem kills two birds with one stone......and if this doesn't cure the hair doesn't have a new body to be proud of :) .
I am 26 and also have thinning hair...but i kind of like, makes me different. I get it cut to about 2 + " and then scruff it up with wax...looks pretty cool :) . Also look at all the actors who women find sexy ( not pretty) they are all the thin haired ones.....Sean Connery played Bond with a comb over :) ....Jason stratham from snatch ( All you need is a cockney .

By overlapping jaw do you mean over-bite? This can be corrected with braces i believe.....

Everything you are letting get you down can be corrected....stop fretting over it and do something pro active......Do you have a dog? Take him for a half hour walk ever night.....if you are embarressed about jogging run when it is dark or early on a morning...Join a gym :)
I promise just like givemesprite said you will start to feel great...exercise is a drug and it will release chemicals in your brain that make you happy :) .....

So stop worrying and grab the bull by the horns ....

Good luck ...

If you go to the fitness thread you will find some great info.....

But please if you do feel on the brink, come straight here .......write out your problems and you will have a thousand shoulders straight there to help you.....You are not alone!!!

I have added my fitness programme......just try it :)

Just spice this routine up with some 30-45 mins on the non weight days.(running,swimming,rowing)
Before you start a weight session do 20 mins cardio to warm up >.
I have put a lot of muscle on using this routine....enjoy
Monday :  
Shoulders : Seated dumbell press ( 4 sets  ) , Seated military presses ( 2 sets ), Upright rows ( 3 sets), Lateral raises ( 3 sest) , Shrugs ( 3 sets)  
Legs : Squats ( 4 sets ) , Leg extensions (3-4 sets) , leg curls ( 3-4 sets) .  
Back: Deadlifts (4 sets) , Wide grip pull downs ( 4 sets), Close grip pull downs ( 3 sets), bent over rows ( 4 sets) , seates rows( 3 sets)  
Biceps: Alternate dumbell curls ( 4 sets) , ez bar curls ( 3 sets)  
Chest: Dumbell or bar Flat bench press ( 4 sets), Incline dumbell or bar bench press (4 sets), Flys ( 4 sets)  
Triceps : Close grip bench press (4 sets), Skull crushers ( 2 sets) , Tricep extensions ( 3 sets)...  
SATURDAY & SUNDAY: STELLA ( 15 SETS) , fosters( 10 sets), vodka( 10 sets) .....and  
This work out is really working for me and i am growing like a weed........Don't do much cardio as doing all that at an intense level burns the fat right off .....  
I don't take longer than 1hr 10 minutes when training....anything more is counter productive......I rest 1 minute between sets , 3 -4 between exercises and 3/4 minutes between body parts.

Offline fiXXXer

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im 21 and very fed up of life

now all you other ppl with gyne at least u dont have other things wrong with you.. i have been cursed with an overlapping chin, loss of hair. and gyne..

there is no cure for me


Yeah right!
I started going bald at 17 (I'm 19 now) and I've had gynecomastia since I was in high school, too.
The only way to make things better is to improve, as suicide is not an option.


i cant deal with sugery i dont want surgeons looking at my stomoch and i cant deal with the pain..

If you don't want the surgeons to see your stomach, than you should lose the stomach.  Everything is simple until you make it complicated. :)
And pain?  Most people say that they don't even have to take a pain killer after surgery - it can't be that bad.

Cheer up man - things will get better if you make them better!
Facing what consumes you is the only way to be free!

Offline fiXXXer

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Hi, Ihatemyselfalot  :).

So stop worrying and grab the bull by the horns ....

Offline markashleigh1979

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Ha ha excellent picture Kyle!!!

Ihatemyself: I hope you take all this on board and treat tomorrow like the start of a new life.... ;D.

Offline Worrier

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Don't even go there ;D. We maybe don't live your life and maybe we don't feel what you feel but I think some people on this site have felt like slotting themselves.

Do you have a mum , dad , bro or sister? how would they feel if you did it? Don't let life beat you m8 ! get mad if you want . I would ,you sound like you have had a hard time. It's better than doing what you are talking about believe me. Someone I knew when I had a few erm issues..... was in a wheelchair. Reason was he tried to commit suicide and failed. His wife left him for another man so he did that. He regretted every single day he made that decision and now he needs a nurse to wipe his arse and help him pi**.

You may think suicide will solve something. it won't . You think you life is rubbish now , that could make it a whole lot worse. I was very depressed myself . you need to drag yourself out of the hole. It is like a hole isn't it?. Things may seem unsolvable. But you will be surprised when you solve or go some way to solve one thing you will feel better.

I also think if you can you need to tell someone how you feel.Even a doctor if you feel more comfortable . No one should have to feel this bad. I am shtie scared of hospitals and ops too. You'll find the things we think will be bad are not as bad as we think. While you are sorting yourself out get running , hit the gym  and post again on the board and let us know how you are getting on. We all know what gynes like at least  so we can relate to that.  

Offline headheldhigh01

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said it before, will say it again.  if i let gyne make me even think like that, gyne wins.  

therefore that is one thing i never let it do.  skrew it, not me.  

* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Tired

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Is your fear of letting the surgion see your stumach bigger then dying? If you dig deep down, you would probably laugh at the very idea.
They are professionals and they have seen things 1000 times worse then any of us. They have a job to do, and they don't care how you look.

But if you are worried, and thinking of ending your life. Put it in perspective, whats better to do here. End your life, or start working out/dieting. You were skinny before? Try to remember how that felt like, how wonderful it was to not have to worry about anything. Use that as motivation and get your ass into the gym!

Offline markashleigh1979

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ihatemyselfalot: Could you please post something so we know you are ok . thanks  :)

Offline ihatemyselfalot

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its just one of these days i will give in to the life i have..
you watch when i get married the girl will leave me because of my gyne.. just today my friend commented on my gyne.. and i have joined a gym i have been going since jan i see no results..

Offline aloe

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"Training and fitness is a life long partner that rewards you in the end."

Yep, and it also rewards you while you are doing it - not only at "the end."  At least for me, when I am eating right and exercising, I feel better about myself just for doing it, regardless of the effect it has on my appearance.  

Offline aloe

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Touchy!   I do agree with you.  Especially in American culture where we expect things instantly.  It's good to have a longer view of things as well, so that what you do every day builds up over time.   ;)


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Hey wow - look at it right !

What if you had cancer and got only days to live?

What if you lost a leg in a road accident ?

Where are you ?  Is it that bad ?

Count you blessings - you'd be surprised how many you have. It takes little effort to go out there and be good and something - especially if it's something you like doing - most people are apothetic losers.  Go out there and win !


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