Hi, Ihatemyselfalot

First i just want to say slow down!!!! You are 21 with a full life a head of you...don't let a few problems stop you. Like givemeresprite said your hair loss could be down to your weight...so addressing your weight problem kills two birds with one stone......and if this doesn't cure the hair loss..it doesn't matter....you have a new body to be proud of

I am 26 and also have thinning hair...but i kind of like it..lol, makes me different. I get it cut to about 2 + " and then scruff it up with wax...looks pretty cool

. Also look at all the actors who women find sexy ( not pretty) they are all the thin haired ones.....Sean Connery played Bond with a comb over

....Jason stratham from snatch ( All you need is a cockney accent.....lol) .
By overlapping jaw do you mean over-bite? This can be corrected with braces i believe.....
Everything you are letting get you down can be corrected....stop fretting over it and do something pro active......Do you have a dog? Take him for a half hour walk ever night.....if you are embarressed about jogging run when it is dark or early on a morning...Join a gym
I promise just like givemesprite said you will start to feel great...exercise is a drug and it will release chemicals in your brain that make you happy

So stop worrying and grab the bull by the horns ....
Good luck ...
If you go to the fitness thread you will find some great info.....
But please if you do feel on the brink, come straight here .......write out your problems and you will have a thousand shoulders straight there to help you.....You are not alone!!!
I have added my fitness programme......just try it
Just spice this routine up with some cardio.....do 30-45 mins on the non weight days.(running,swimming,rowing)
Before you start a weight session do 20 mins cardio to warm up >.
I have put a lot of muscle on using this routine....enjoy
Monday :
Shoulders : Seated dumbell press ( 4 sets ) , Seated military presses ( 2 sets ), Upright rows ( 3 sets), Lateral raises ( 3 sest) , Shrugs ( 3 sets)
Legs : Squats ( 4 sets ) , Leg extensions (3-4 sets) , leg curls ( 3-4 sets) .
Back: Deadlifts (4 sets) , Wide grip pull downs ( 4 sets), Close grip pull downs ( 3 sets), bent over rows ( 4 sets) , seates rows( 3 sets)
Biceps: Alternate dumbell curls ( 4 sets) , ez bar curls ( 3 sets)
Chest: Dumbell or bar Flat bench press ( 4 sets), Incline dumbell or bar bench press (4 sets), Flys ( 4 sets)
Triceps : Close grip bench press (4 sets), Skull crushers ( 2 sets) , Tricep extensions ( 3 sets)...
SATURDAY & SUNDAY: STELLA ( 15 SETS) , fosters( 10 sets), vodka( 10 sets) .....and absinthe......lol
This work out is really working for me and i am growing like a weed........Don't do much cardio as doing all that at an intense level burns the fat right off .....
I don't take longer than 1hr 10 minutes when training....anything more is counter productive......I rest 1 minute between sets , 3 -4 between exercises and 3/4 minutes between body parts.