Author Topic: Levick Update - First Op - 18/08/2011 / Second Op - 04/04/2012  (Read 1727 times)

Offline kieran_22

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Hi all!

It's been a while since I've been on here, and I won't lie - I've been through some major ups and downs in that goes...

So, I had my first op on the 18/08/2011 with Mr Levick, and all seemed to have gone really well. I was flat directly after the op but in the following weeks it seemed to get worse. The actual op went really well and I didn't have any scar tissue or bad scaring at all. It was an emotional time for me as I didn't see a massive improvement in my body at all. I've never been the skinniest of guys but expected a better result than I had.

After a couple of post op consultations, Mr Levick asked me if I would like to have a second operation - which I agreed to.

And so, on the 04/04/2012 I went in for a bit more work. Mr Levick told me that he removed a fair amount of fat but that there was no gland in there whatsoever. Again, directly after the operation I was flat. And to some extent still am. I'm still not 100% happy if I'm honest but I'm not sure how much of it is in my head and how much of it is actually on my chest...

I'm much more confident wearing clothes, and I've lost weight recently which has helped me enormously with my confidence. Anyone that is contemplating getting surgery should definitely do it. I'm not here to sell it on behalf of any surgeon - but it has definitely improved and the rest of the work is down to me and getting fit.

I don't really know why I'm writing all this, but I know that it helped me being able to read other people's stories.

I'm going to book in to see Mr Levick again soon, to give him an update. If you all want, then I can post pictures of me as I am now.

Like I said, I'm not completely flat (let's be fucking honest, who is?!) - but I am happy...

Thanks for reading.
Surgery with Mr. Levick on Thursday 18th August 2011 - currently recovering!

Offline sjwsjw

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Pictures are useful all round. I find it difficult to judge my own body tbh. I don't see it from everyone else's angle/prospective. I'm sure people here and people in your day to day life see you differently to how you see yourself too. The mind is why we are all looking at surgery (some people can accept what they have without surgery and it is what we ultimately have to do once the surgery is complete)

Offline McGilli

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Yeah put up some pictures. Of course before photos too would be nice. What I like about this site is there isn't really any BS. People post pictures, and there's never any sugar coating it.

If you have it, people tell you. If the results aren't that great people will say so.

SO I guess it's scary too cuz of the honesty.

But I think you should put some pictures.

At the worst, people will agree with you. All the others will be more positive.

And there are a lot of people that post asking if they have gyno, or saying they are unhappy with there body - and people are like dud you look fine what are you talking about?

Thing is everyone supportive here.

Offline improving

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Sorry to hear about your ups and downs. I remember your posts from when you had it done, and remember reading you weren't 100% happy. Must have been a bit strange going in for a second time, well done! Was the op done the same? (GA etc?)

As you say, nobody is completely flat!


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