Author Topic: A couple questions  (Read 2169 times)

Offline curiouschris

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So, some background. 3 years ago I ran a test booster without any estrogen blockers and got gyno bad. I had it surgically removed. I have been gyno free 3 years but with chest craters.

I recently did a 15 day cycle of a test booster, but this time I am using a anti estrogen.

Now I'm getting paranoid thinking my gyno is aggravated. The thing is I can't really tell, but it seems like the glands may be growing. There is no itching or pain. I have been rubbing them alot lately rather vigorously trying to figure out if the gyno is coming back.

So, Can rubbing the crap out of your glands make them swell up? Also, if gyno is coming back would it first start itching and be painful again? Or would it simply just start growing. When I had it before it would always hurt.. now I cant see anything visually, but I just keep feeling it and it feels like maybe its getting bigger but I don't know.

Please help me.

Offline GazzaD

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watch what your doing. your at a high risk of recurrence if you do not have a good AI . And a really good solid PCT .

Offline curiouschris

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watch what your doing. your at a high risk of recurrence if you do not have a good AI . And a really good solid PCT .

I'm taking a AI, I only did half of a half cycle. I did the gimmick test booster from GNC where they send you  half a months supply and you only pay shipping. After that they try and bill you 70ish dollars a month. I canceled right after I got the free bottle. I am starting to think that my chest developing is pushing some of the gyno out so its more noticeable. I have lost about 10 pounds and gained a good bit of muscle of the past 3 months.

What I'm really concerned with is if when gyno comes back if you get the warning signs again, such as the itchy nipples and pain.


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