Author Topic: Post surgery question - hives  (Read 2098 times)

Offline gynoman123

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I had lipo with excision 10 days ago and for the most part I'm feeling great.  My chest is definitely flatter and I'm feeling no pain; however, I have what looks like hives on my upper body.  It's on my chest and stomach and looks a little scary.  For the first week I was wearing the compression garment with a foam padding, when the hives started 5 days after surgery I decided to take the foam out which was only 2 days before my surgeon told me I should wear it.  Now I'm wearing just the compression garment without the foam but the hives persist.  So I don't know if the hives are related to a delayed reaction to the antibiotics (duricef) or the cortiosteroids (medrol I think) which i'm no longer taking because I finished the full course, or the general anesthesia from the procedure or the vest.  It's not confined to where the vest as its all over my stomach and lower back where the vest doesn't cover. I've never had hives before and I'm 33.  I'm going in to see the surgeon(highly regarded)today to see what he thinks but I would also like to see if I can get some input here as well.  Thank you.

Offline gynoman123

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Dr. put me on another round of medrol but the hives and the rash persist.  Anybody have advice?

Offline Paa_Paw

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Because you were painted allover with an antiseptic and probably with enough that it even ran down your sides and got onto your back; That is probably what I would expect to look at first. You mignt ask what kind of antiseptic was use to prep you for the procedure and see about a patch test later to see if it is the cause of your rash.

It happens that I break out like that whenever exposed to tincture of iodine. Fortunately that is no longer in common use and the more modern products containing iodine do not seem to bother me.

People will point out that an allergic response is usually much quicker, and that is true. But if you were not previously allergic and this was your first exposure to the antiseptic it took a few days for the sensitizing effect after which the residual on your skin caused the reaction.

We may be grabbing at straws here, but this is one possibility.
Grandpa Dan

Offline gynoman123

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Thanks for the response Paa_Paa, I did make it to a dermatologist today and within seconds I was diagnosed with pityriasis rosea which is a non-serious rash that goes away in 6-8 weeks with no real known cause.  I'm guessing it's due to stress and doesn't have anything to do with the surgery.  Good to know that I'm not allergic to any of the meds I was prescribed.


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