Author Topic: Post Surgery question  (Read 4946 times)

Offline losernumber1

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Had excision and apparently had lipo as well - now is fortnight later. The appearance is not too good. Im not totally content right now. Please read the following issue and see if you can help:

I have a dilemma to solve: Chest is very bulky seems like no fat was removed. Definitely the overal appearance is that the doc took out the gland and left the fat. There is the big saddles of fat bulking up the side pectorals and reaching back to the armpit and there is podgy to the tough bulkiness as per before the surgery reaching from the bottom of the breast/chest area to the top of the chest. Seems to me like I could do with a second operation to get real serious amounts of fat removed from the area.

I have doubts as to whether the doc actually did lipo as it seems like theres 100% pre op fat still there. The resulting look of the chest at the moment is sunken nipple area and breast like fat pattern surrounding it and elevated compared to the nipple are. Still is quit a noticeable cleavage area and curvature and camber to the breast fat.

So how long after a lipo and excision operation does the lipo areas settle down and lose swelling so that things look normal?????

Because either the lipo has caused swelling that looks like fat even a t the 2 week point (Now) or the doc just left all the fat alone and didnt do lipo! Seriously it looks like the gland came out (Thats obvious immediately) but that the fat was left.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 12:19:14 PM by losernumber1 »

Offline losernumber1

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Offline losernumber1

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Im starting to panic about this!

Offline losernumber1

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im not critisizing my doc just yet becausde they may have done just after  opinions of people on the forun of what they think...

Offline unsure101

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Doesnt looks like he took much fat out my friend.

I'd be going back to him

Offline frozen

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I'm not an expert so remember this is only my OPINION:

But your surgery looks very strange to me. I've seen a lot of post-op pictures on here and they all look completely different to your chest, even the ones with quite bad swelling. It looks like he's taken a LOT of gland out and if he's done any lipo whatsoever it looks like he's only done it right around the nipple!! I'm not sure who your doctor was but he really doesn't look like he knew what he was doing on you. :(

A lot of doctors like to leave the smallest amount of gland in, about 2% I was told by my surgeon, to retain the nipple's natural shape.

Contact your surgeon immediately to let him know your worries, it would be good if you could email him some pictures so he can see what you look like at the moment, see if he thinks it's normal (I do not). You may find that like a few other people on this forum you might end up having to go for revision surgery, perhaps with a more experienced surgeon?


I'd say in conclusion, that if you've gone with one of the very experienced and highly reccommended surgeons on this forum then it's likely that the appearance of your chest is temporary and possibly down to swelling (try eating lots of pineapple, I hear it helps). However, if your surgeon is not so experienced and you've chosen to "go cheap" and get a surgeon in another country or whatever then it's quite possible that he's just done a bad job due to lack of experience.

Sorry if this isn't what you want to hear. Remember to contact your doctor and above all be patient! These things take time.
Had surgery with Dr. Karidis (London, UK) on 23rd July. Wearing tight t-shirts and looking forward to going swimming!

My experience so far & updates:


Offline losernumber1

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true it doesnt look right, but it may be temporary. Am consultation with doc tomorrow to express my alarm/concern.

Offline don_joe

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I'm pretty sure that this is not what your chest is supposed to look like 1 day post-op. It should be flat flat flat.

Also I think it would be helpful to let people know who your PS is. I suspect he/she doesn't have much experience in GRS. I also think you need a revision.

Tough luck dude...
« Last Edit: June 29, 2009, 03:04:29 PM by don_joe »

Offline lookinup

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I am 4 days post op and look about the same. I am just hoping things will even out later because there's a ton of swelling and fluid build up still their.
Gyno surgery 26-JUNE-09

Offline losernumber1

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can anyone whos "been there and done that" tell me how long their swelling took to dissapear after lipo?

Offline Nightmare

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did you had drains on you after the surgery? since you did lipo i would think you had drains. i have drains on me now, and its still collecting alot of blood.

Offline losernumber1

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well i had drains yes, but only for the few hours following the surgery. when it was time to go home, they took the drains out. is that normal?

Offline nipplevision

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well i had drains yes, but only for the few hours following the surgery. when it was time to go home, they took the drains out. is that normal?

Normally they will only take the drains out when they are no longer collecting fluids. It seems strange to me that they would already take it out several hours after surgery since the wound is leaking at that point.
I think the normal time to take out the drains would be 48hrs after surgery. Then again, every person's recovery is different. I'm having drains in me right now (was operated yesterday). Maybe tomorrow I'll have them taken out, but only if it's ok according to the doctor.

Offline Nightmare

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well i had drains yes, but only for the few hours following the surgery. when it was time to go home, they took the drains out. is that normal?
i had mine on for 5 days. for the drain to be on for only a few hours is very suspicious to me. if anything it tell me that the doc didnt do much lipo suction or he dont know what hes doing.

Offline frozen

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Not entirely true about the drains as some surgeons opt not to use drains at all! (and still yield excellent results)  ;)


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