Author Topic: Post Surgery Pics for Bilateral Mastectomy for Gyno | Healing  (Read 4806 times)

Offline Bertybert1980

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This is 5 days Post Op. Still dunno when these cotton things should be taken off my nipple transplant lol.  Doc said I can shower but not to rub the nipple area with clothe?  I'm scared to shower now.

I been eating basically Jello, Yogurt, Aminos from Cellucor and Protein shakes.

My doctor said I could already eat omega 3 foods etc based on my drains.

Something to note I went with Bilateral Mastectomy because I had lost 170 pounds.  If they would have just taken out the gyno my side flaps would be there as well.  We could have gone with Lipo but decided on this method instead.  Thoughts?  Would love to hear Dr Jacobs opinion.

I am really itchy at the moment can I start putting creams and coco butter over my stitches or not yet?

Here is also my story on how gyno affected my life


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