So I haven't been on this site since October - four whole months. It's strange to think considering I used to spend most nights browsing the forum, looking at other people's results. Dreaming of no longer having man boobs ha.
I've seen two people have recently had negative experiences with Dr Lanzer, which is sad to hear. One of them said the positive reviews on here must be paid advertisements - I wish haha. Mine was most definitely not a paid for advertisement, I'm still paying off the loan!
My results aren't perfect but I wasn't expecting perfect. Dr Lanzer's people warn you every step along the way, and even get you to sign multiple documents that say you won't get 100% perfect results.
But I must say I am REALLY happy with the results. I now wear SINGLETS out in public which was unheard of before. The only singlet I used to wear was this weird lycra contraception that pulled my boobs in so I looked like I had a smaller chest. While the results of the surgery aren't perfect, my chest is now the normal shape of a male's chest. If anything, it looks like I have amazing pecs. It is also a HUGE relief not to wear a lycra singlet under all of my clothes anymore.
I have to admit I've been TERRIBLE on the diet since the surgery (I moved, which meant I fell off the bandwagon). Have probably put on 15kg since the surgery so there is some bulgy fats bits (like in my underarms) But I know as soon as I start working out and doing weights, my chest is going to look spectacular. Soon!
Now these pictures look a bit funny on the left as I am holding the camera with my left arm. It looks much better normally, more like the right side. The only problem I really have is my right nipple still has a bit of indentation but I'm pretty sure it'll be fine when I lose weight. And if not, I doubt it'll take much to correct. But I am so not fussed. The result is so much better than the original condition. and it was a bloody deal compared to some of the other prices I've seen on here. Can't imagine spending $10,000+. Sorry for all the capitalised words but I am pretty happy haha