Author Topic: Surgery completed with Mr Vijh 05/03/18  (Read 4920 times)

Offline Web8008

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Im writing this blog to first share my experiences and to also give some advice to anyone considering/waiting for surgery.
I have had mild gynecomastia since I was 12. At first there were strange, lumpy disc like growths under my nipples making them puffy. It bothered me slightly but not an awful lot back then. Usually this is common for teenage boys but I, like everyone else here had it stay with me through to adulthood. Since then it has increasingly 'got on my t*ts' to the point where I wanted them cut out by whatever means necessary. Self confidence had declined and I just generally thought it looks like a bit of a lumpy mess. I had tried extreme diets and exercise, and to a certain degree I managed to make them look far less noticeable, however, the glands never decreased although I managed to revert back to the 12 year old state (not a good look either) so I decided to bulk up muscle which inevitably involves more calories leading excessive fat around the chest pushing the glands out (also not a good look for gynecomastia sufferers!). For some reason these glands seem to be a magnet for fatty tissue. Basically I couldn't win. However I didn't want any old surgeon I wanted the best, who wouldn't? I didn't want an incision at the nipple either, the idea of an incision at the axilla is much more appealing to me. Therefore years had passed and when the time was right and a few google searches later I found Mr Vijh. The consultation was good, he did a quick check of my chest and emphasised that due to me having glands, fat and other lumps which were lipomas (hard fatty benign tumours) around my chest I shouldn't be expecting perfection and there may be some asymmetry. However I think he probably says this to everyone. I was ok with this since I though I cant really get worse than what it is already. I also had faith in him since he is regarded as one of the best surgeons for this procedure.
The day of the surgery I was feeling good, saw Mr Vijh in my own private room briefly beforehand, he drew on my chest and I was taken to the theatre. The next thing I woke up with cooling packs on my pecs (not breasts anymore) wrapped in a compression vest. I was taken to my room to chill with ample amounts of morphine and codeine. My stay was mixed. Most of the nurses were great, however they mixed up my length of stay so I only got lunch and no dinner and when I asked, the kitchen had shut and was offered toast. I also requested a diazepam as i Couldn't sleep which was at first denied, however I insisted they did so they actually did give me one which was good. I also couldn't pee, no matter how hard I tried it wasn't happening. So they had to fit a catheter- NOT nice! And very painful! The doctor laughed at me when I screamed as he was doing it, which I thought was unprofessional and degrading. Apart from that it was good service, but I was looking forward to going home.
The first week involved a lot of doing sweet FA, I was given a huge bag of morphine, codeine, and other pills to take which I managed to go through until they went. I needed them since it is very sore and sensitive on the chest for the first week. I wasn't allowed/couldnt lift my arms in any direction so I was walking about like a T-rex a little bit. A word of advice, you will struggle a bit without some help for the first week, especially with dressing yourself and tightening your compression garment. I tried to do a bit of walking about each day to help with blood flow, generally I was pain free due to the drugs. It was only by the second week that more of the pain kicked in. It was similar to the first week in that I didn't do much, but a fraction of range of motion had improved. By the end of the second week I was back to work. My job is quite physical so I couldn't really get out of using my upper body to a certain degree. If you have a physical job, Id say take 3 weeks off, I wish I did now, since it is quite painful; I don't mind the pain so much, I just really don't want a heamatoma!
I am now 2.5 weeks into my recovery. The start of the third week has seen a big increase in arm movement, although not 100%. Chest is still sore and numb but I am now showering at last and the scabs have naturally fallen off. Every day its getting a little bit better. Im amazed at how small the scars are, especially seeing the amount of crap Mr Vijh excised! I asked Mr Vijh to send me the photo of what he had removed, I saw it briefly after the op! It was LOADS!! I was shocked, and very relieved. The 4 photos are 2 weeks before, and 2 weeks after the surgery. I will post some more in a few weeks. There is still a long way to go in terms of contouring I still have a lot of hard lumps with uneven skin and nipples but I know it will all settle down, its way too soon for me to start critiquing anything just yet, I'm just keeping a positive outlook, but I still check it every day and smile anyway!  I have 2 compression garments, the one they gave me is well uncomfortable but it provides good support to the chest so I wore it constantly alongside the the vest I bought which was recommended by Mr vijh. Im now just wearing the vest as the belt-like one they gave me stated giving me pins and needles in my hands due to excessive pressure in my armpits. I think a gradual decrease in compression is a good thing and I will continue to wear it until week 6. I am also very gently applying CBD balm to my chest, its a like arnica in the fact that its great at reducing inflammation (better than arnica IMO), diet is full of lean meats vitamins C and E to boost collagen and healing. Any questions let me know!

Offline wakenbake123

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Hi mate

Had mine done this week, they never really mentioned not moving the arms, luckily I haven't stretched or moved excessively. Though I have pain in my armpits.

Amazing surgeon and really nice guy but did you find that the is a lack of info or time to covering basics, like you I  am awaiting pictures, he seemed like he couldn't' leave soon enough.

 He said he removed 300g glands which sounds way to big but until pictures come dunno

Offline Web8008

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Hi mate, 
Yes I thought that too, I think that's typical for surgeons when they have finished operating, but i agree there should be more explicit aftercare advice since there is alot for us to take in at the time. I was given this to take home, alhough i think it could be more detailed. With my arms I just tried to avoid doing anything that engaged my pecs like raising my arms or pushing/pulling anything remotely heavy. I'm still kind of weary and I've forgotten to on a couple of occasions and paid the price!! I've tried to contact his secretary about photos but she's really hard to get hold of so just going to wait now. All the best with your recovery! 

Offline wakenbake123

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Thanks, yeah I didn't get anything. Only 1 binder as well but work looks good so  far, looking forward to my other compression vest coming. 

Offline Web8008

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wakenbake123 its definitely more comfortable!

A question for anyone thats had this procedure already: how long did you wear your compression vests for?? 

Offline wakenbake123

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From what i have read from PCT's thread and Levivk patients its 1 month 24/7 then at nights for another 4 weeks, I have sent email querying it and will pm you if they get back to me Forgot to say your chest looks really good.

Offline kilroyrichard

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I was told to wear the one given for a week solid, then my own for up to four weeks after.
My friend who did the op previously took no chances are wore his for three months. I don't know if I will do that long, but he had extensive surgery.

Offline Web8008

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From what i have read from PCT's thread and Levivk patients its 1 month 24/7 then at nights for another 4 weeks, I have sent email querying it and will pm you if they get back to me Forgot to say your chest looks really good.

Thanks mate! We are in good hands :)

Well I think I'll wear mine for 3 weeks or so and then let nature take its course but I'll play it by ear depending on how it feels. 

Offline Web8008

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I managed to speak with Mr Vijh's secretary Julie today, she advised 6 weeks for the compression vest,  I guess any longer is a matter of preference.  
I also asked about when would be a good idea to start massaging out any lumps or bumps since I have a few areas that were soft lumps that are now starting to solidify a bit, again she advised at 6 weeks I should start this if I want. 
Lastly I asked her to forward me the photos of the op, she said she asked him a few times already but still hasn't got round to it. Will probably get them when I see him in a month. 

Offline wakenbake123

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Was that 6 weeks 24/7?

When did you shower post op?

Offline Web8008

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Was that 6 weeks 24/7?

When did you shower post op?

Yep it has to worn constantly apart from washing, think you can stop wearing the binder after a week or 2 and then just wear the vest from then on, sometimes I still put the binder on for a few hours a day as I think it does seem to reduce lumps. 

I had a proper shower at 2 weeks, but I did sit in a very shallow lukewarm bath and washed within that time.  

Offline kilroyrichard

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I was told by Dr Vik Vijh that I could shower straight away so long as they were lukewarm. I've been showering daily since my op 22nd, but obviously movement is restricted with arms so the armpits have not stayed overly fresh as I don't want to touch them much anyway for the incisions. It doesn't seem to have affected me. I take off the provided compression band for about 15 minutes a day to do this.

Offline Web8008

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I was told by Dr Vik Vijh that I could shower straight away so long as they were lukewarm. I've been showering daily since my op 22nd, but obviously movement is restricted with arms so the armpits have not stayed overly fresh as I don't want to touch them much anyway for the incisions. It doesn't seem to have affected me. I take off the provided compression band for about 15 minutes a day to do this.

Ah ok Mr Vijh didn't tell me that! ha. I just read the post op instructions but I guess the idea is no hot water for 2 weeks. I'm just looking forward to not wearing this vest now! 

Offline wakenbake123

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Lol yeah I think I would pay double for no vests and trex arms

Offline Web8008

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Ha yeah its annoying! must be what its like to wear a bra every day! Don't envy that at all!


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