Author Topic: KARIDIS SURGERY - NOVEMBER 2016 - PHOTOS AVAILABLE  (Read 17376 times)

Offline Mr Man

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Amazing results man! You look great! Good luck with your gyne free life dude. Ultimate liberation...

Offline Chief Brody

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It's been several months since my last post so I thought I'd check in and give a progress update. Hard to believe 7 months has passed since my operation, it only feels like yesterday that I walked out of Karidis clinic wearing that damn compression vest!

My chest has pretty much returned to normal now. I have a very tiny amount of scar tissue present on both sides but this is gradually disappearing as each month passes. I massaged religiously for 2 months both morning and night from about 2 weeks post op and felt this helped a great deal.  The incisions under each nipple have completely healed and you'd be hard pushed to tell I ever had surgery.

For anybody living with this condition and contemplating surgery, pick up the phone and give Alex Karidis a call. I have very few regrets in life but I sure wish I hadn't waited until I was 40 years of age to deal with the problem. I should have got this addressed years ago. I cannot begin to describe what it feels like to be free of gyno, it truly is a life changing experience.

For those that have recently had surgery and are going through the recovery phase you have just got to be patient. It's a rollercoaster ride full of emotions and you will start to have doubts once the swelling and scar tissue kicks in and it can appear to get worse before it gets better. It's a 6 month minimum journey guys before you begin to see the full benefits and even then, it could take a year or more to be completely healed.

Here is a picture taken just a few days ago. I started training back down the gym properly at the beginning of January and totally cleaned up my diet. I do fasted cardio most mornings and lift 4-5 times a week. To date I have lost about 30lbs and I'm now sitting somewhere in the region of 12% BF. It's work in progress and I've got a few more pounds to shift to get shredded but I'm well on the way to that 6-pack I promised myself by the end of the summer.

I can't believe my thread has had over 3,500 views and I appreciate all the kind words and support. I turned to this site for inspiration and it's somewhat satisfying to know that my story has inspired others. I will continue login from time to time and update as my journey progresses.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 01:11:55 AM by Chief Brody »

Offline Mr Man

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Chief Brody,

Thanks for the update. Your chest looks great and it's inspirational stuff watching your progress. You clearly must be over the moon with your results! Your posts were a massive help to me when making my decision to have the surgery, and I bet there are many others on here who are extremely grateful too. Thank you very much.

I am almost 10 weeks post op now having had surgery with Dr. Karidis and I am very pleased with the results (before & after photos attached). However, the scar tissue is definitely worrying me a little. I have a band of the stuff just below my armpit on the left-hand side (photo attached) and when I lift my arm up, it seems to create some craters and unevenness in the skin. Did you experience anything like this and if so, how much massaging did it take to get rid of it?

Like you, I have been massaging from around 10 days post-op, twice a day for 5-10 minutes on each side. I have been trying to break down the scar tissue so hard that I have actually managed to bruise my chest a few times. Did you ever experience this? I have just bought an electric massager to help break it down, but whilst it does appear to be getting softer, there is no sign of it going at the moment.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!


Offline Chief Brody

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Hi Mr Man,

Apologies for the somewhat late reply. My frequency of checking into this site has become less and less of late but I will endeavour to login more often.

With regards to your chest and the scar tissue, my advice to you would be try not to worry and just let nature take it's course. Under no circumstances should you massage with force, this can be counter productive. You want to stimulate the tissue healing process, not cause further trauma to the area. Just gently massage with two fingers in a circular motion twice a day for 5 minutes at a time should do it.

If it's any consolation, I still have scar tissue 9 months post op. It's still very visible if I stretch my arms high above my head as you've demonstrate in your photo. However, I have been training hard with heavy weights since January and built quite a bit of muscle mass on my pecs now and the scar tissue is non existent in a normal relaxed state, all you can see now are some well defined pec muscles. Scar tissue can take years to heal and in some cases it never goes away. I've got an old scar from an appendix operation 15 years ago and it still feels lumpy after all this time.

I hope your recovery is going well. Be sure to post an update an let us know how you are getting on.

Offline Cristalis

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@Chief , can you show us some pics with your hands up and with the pecs very flexed? I would like to see how bad it can be seen the scar tissue/deformities when you are not in a hands down relaxed state. Thanks!

Also how much you waited from the day of the consultation till the day of your surgery? Do you need to wait big time or he can schedule the surgery few days after the consultation?


Offline Chief Brody

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Just kidding about the gyno!

Well I guess this update is long overdue. I was down my local gym this morning banging out some chest and as I was sitting there on the edge of the bench reflecting on life in general, it suddenly dawned on me that it's been almost a year and a half since I went under the knife with Karidis.

There is not a day go past that I don't think about it to be honest and I still find myself looking down and touching my chest from time to time to see if the gyno has returned. I look back at all those years living with this embarrassing condition and now laugh at the things I used to do on a daily basis to try and cover it up - twisting nipples, baggy tops, stooping forward, splashing cold water......the list goes on. I honestly don't know how I lived with it for so long and why I waited until I was a 40 year old man to do something about it.

I've attached some photo's below which summarises my journey and I hope this thread has given and will continue to give inspiration and encouragement to others to make a change in their lives.









To anybody living with gyno and contemplating an operation I'd like to say these final few words. Pick up the phone and book a consultation with Karidis or Dr Vijh. Do whatever it takes to find the money - bank loan, interest free credit card, borrow from parents or family. I can honestly say you will not regret it one single bit. Bar the marriage to my wife and the birth of my two children, having surgery was the best thing I have ever done. It's a rollercoaster journey full of emotion and I found myself questioning the decision at times during the recovery phase, especially when the swelling and scar tissue started to form. You've just got to be patient and it took me a full 12 months to be completely satisfied with the outcome. If somebody were to examine me now close up, it would be impossible to tell I've ever had surgery.

It's the simple things in life that can often give the greatest pleasures. Being able to take my children to the swimming pool or walking along the beach on a hot summers day without a top on and not having to worry about the appearance of my chest. To be free of gyno truly is liberating in every sense of the word. I owe a lot to Karidis and his team, they literally changed my life!

« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 10:48:50 AM by Chief Brody »

Offline kilroyrichard

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Thank you for sharing this timeline of photos! It looks amazing and zero sign that there was ever any breast tissue.


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