Lol.. We'll all be writing 2020 throughout 2021 because there was no 2020!
I put on one of my wife's bras once as a goof and she was not amused. So far I have no need for a bra because they don't really bounce around and cause trouble that way. I just hate having them and I hate the way they look. I have some compression shirts but I don't wear them because it's too uncomfortable. But it's nice to see myself with a somewhat flat chest.
My wife is not pleased that I made the decision to get surgery. I told her what I was up to every step of the way, but she thinks I'm making a rash decision. She has concerns. Why now? What if I die on the table? What do we tell people? It will be embarrassing when our sons know (they're in their 20's), their girlfriends, their girlfriends families, etcc. How will it change me in general? What if I start into an addiction of "having things done". She loves me the way I am, boobs and all, and sees no reason for change.
I'm prepared with responses to all her concerns, but she's still apprehensive and doesn't share the excitement that I have. Why surgery now? Because I have the time and the money and I always wanted it done. I'm still a healthy guy. I work hard to support my family and I never splurge on myself. I'm bald, my ears stick out and I have a gut but none of that bothers me. It's the boobs that slowly eat away at my soul. Embarrassment? I'm the one who has feel be embarrassed every time I'm around people. I know they look at me and ask themselves - "wow, why doesn't he do something about that?". Or "why does he dress like that.. oh, I see - he has boobs" I no longer want to be that guy. I'm already thoroughly embarrassed by this problem. It can't be any worse. So what do I care if people laugh at me getting surgery? If they can't be happy for me then I don't want them in my life. These days most normal people are happy for a friend who's making a positive step in their life.
I just realized, if my wife is embarrassed about friends and others knowing about my surgery, I can tell her that I'll cancel the surgery but we need to go bra shopping! Instead of our friends complimenting for looking good after I fix my problem, they can compliment my nice pert boobies in my new bra. Now that won't be embarrassing at all, will it??