Author Topic: I've had breasts since I was like 10. Tell me what you see.  (Read 10503 times)

Offline FredL

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I was fat as a kid, then around puberty I grew breasts. Kids made fun of me all the time. As a teenager, I lost weight so I could get girls and it wasn't a big problem. But I still had the breasts and I hated it. In my 20's people at work made fun of me but I just wrote it off as being out of shape. If I could lose weight and bench press it would go away. I'm 57 now, and while I am a flabby guy, I am not obese. 5' 10" 164 lbs. I lose weight but the breasts stay big and when I where a shirt, it doesn't even touch my gut because of the breasts sticking out. 

I'm so sick of it. I have $$ in the bank and I'm finally doing something about it. I have two consultations with surgeons scheduled for the next couple weeks. 

What do you see? Will they tell me to forget surgery and hit the gym, or is there relief in sight? I want a normal chest!

Offline FredL

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Had my consultation today. I'm scheduled for surgery on Jan 20 2020 with Dr Ganchi.

Offline FredL

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Offline FredL

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Lol.. We'll all be writing 2020 throughout 2021 because there was no 2020!

I put on one of my wife's bras once as a goof and she was not amused. So far I have no need for a bra because they don't really bounce around and cause trouble that way. I just hate having them and I hate the way they look. I have some compression shirts but I don't wear them because it's too uncomfortable. But it's nice to see myself with a somewhat flat chest. 

My wife is not pleased that I made the decision to get surgery. I told her what I was up to every step of the way, but she thinks I'm making a rash decision. She has concerns. Why now? What if I die on the table? What do we tell people? It will be embarrassing when our sons know (they're in their 20's), their girlfriends, their girlfriends families, etcc. How will it change me in general? What if I start into an addiction of "having things done". She loves me the way I am, boobs and all, and sees no reason for change. 
I'm prepared with responses to all her concerns, but she's still apprehensive and doesn't share the excitement that I have.  Why surgery now? Because I have the time and the money and I always wanted it done. I'm still a healthy guy. I work hard to support my family and I never splurge on myself. I'm bald, my ears stick out and I have a gut but none of that bothers me. It's the boobs that slowly eat away at my soul. Embarrassment? I'm the one who has feel be embarrassed every time I'm around people. I know they look at me and ask themselves - "wow, why doesn't he do something about that?". Or "why does he dress like that.. oh, I see - he has boobs" I no longer want to be that guy. I'm already thoroughly embarrassed by this problem. It can't be any worse. So what do I care if people laugh at me getting surgery? If they can't be happy for me then I don't want them in my life. These days most normal people are happy for a friend who's making a positive step in their life. 

I just realized, if my wife is embarrassed about friends and others knowing about my surgery, I can tell her that I'll cancel the surgery but we need to go bra shopping!  Instead of our friends complimenting for looking good after I fix my problem, they can compliment my nice pert boobies in my new bra. Now that won't be embarrassing at all, will it?? 

Offline Dale Warnio

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I think it is either surgery or a bra. You seem to prefer surgery. Your wife does not seem to like either option. I think you should do what feels best to you. Others don’t have to know the specifics of your medical procedure. Outpatient, right?

BTW, how did the bra fit, feel, look with your breasts?

Offline FredL

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My wife's bra was way too big. I looked and felt silly in it. Some guys might like the idea of wearing a bra, but not me. I don't get any pleasure, there's nothing erotic or attractive about it. I don't want to accept my boobs, I want them gone.  The only reason I lasted this long is because was in denial and I was somehow able to tune it all out. I told myself that they're not that noticeable and one day I'll lose weight and get in shape and they'll be gone. 

I told her there's no need to tell anyone and I certainly don't want anyone knowing until after it's done. My son lives here and he'll wonder what's up during my recovery, so I have to tell him. He'll tell his gf, etc.. there's no way to avoid it.  I'm fine with it. Once it's done and I'm healed I might tell some friends. It's a big thing in my life and that's what friends are for. 

It's outpatient but I'm getting knocked out.  

My wife's parents are in their 90's and if one of them dies it could be a problem. They're far away and the family would have to travel. If it happens around the day of my surgery or early in my recovery, we'll have to make an excuse for me not to go.

Online blad

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Before committing to the one way street of surgery and the potential unforeseen complications, I do believe in trying a well fitting bra for a couple of months. I think it has surprised many once they have really tried one that it was a simple solution to their problems. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline FredL

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That's great, I'm glad you enjoy your bras. I can see how it helps guys who are big. It's logical, that's why women wear them. But that's  not for me. I've been concealing and accepting my whole life and I'm done with it. I want a chest without womanly breasts.

I look forward to wearing nicer clothes, and more colors. No layers of dark colors. Large men's shirts are always too tight in the chest, and Extra large shirts hang down my shoulders. Finally, I'll be comfortable and look good in off-the-shelf clothes. That alone has me counting the days. When I heal, I'm going shopping!

boobs are normal

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I see female shaped breasts in need of a bra.

Offline FredL

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I hope I enjoy my post-op chest as much as you guys enjoy your bras! ;D

Offline JohannK

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Good luck with the operation.  While I'm not one for cosmetic surgery (unless it's reconstructive), I understand that the idea of a man having breasts can be hard to wrap your head around, and some can't accept it.  Hopefully it all goes well for you, and hopefully it won't flip that switch that your wife is afraid of (you can't really tell before hand, can you?).

Offline FredL

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Good luck with the operation.  While I'm not one for cosmetic surgery (unless it's reconstructive), I understand that the idea of a man having breasts can be hard to wrap your head around, and some can't accept it.  Hopefully it all goes well for you, and hopefully it won't flip that switch that your wife is afraid of (you can't really tell before hand, can you?).

I told her there's no chance of that. I have always avoided doctors in my adult life. It took 7 years of nagging from my wife to have a cyst removed from my back. She named it "La Bumpa" ;D Besides I'm too cheap. I'm blowing my wad with this, no more surgery in this lifetime unless it's absolutely required. 

But it's a legitimate concern. It's a slippery slope when you go to a plastic surgeon. Like any business, they want to keep you as a customer and they'll offer you discount coupons on botox, eye and neck lifts, and similar kinds of things. That rubs me the wrong way.  I believe a person should look their age. I know a woman my age who started with a breast reduction and that turned into an eye lift and periodic botox injections. Sure, her skin is tight but she no longer looks like the same person. And what will she look like in ten years, especially if she keeps responding to those discount offers. 

Offline JohannK

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Hospitals in general count on surgery.  That's where the money is.  So I can imagine that they would do stuff like that.

In fact my father once (many decades ago) managed to read a referral letter through the envelope, and it went on about how the referring doctor was giving the surgeon a good bypass patient.  Needless to say, my father wasn't impressed (and he hasn't had any issues since then).

I'm actually a lot like you then.  I have some kind of cyst on my foot that can get rather painful if I wear the wrong shoe, but I'm always saying that I'll have it removed "some time".  It's not like it's anything malignent, the doctor himself said that it's just likely to get larger over time.

Online blad

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But it's a legitimate concern. It's a slippery slope when you go to a plastic surgeon. Like any business, they want to keep you as a customer and they'll offer you discount coupons on botox, eye and neck lifts, and similar kinds of things. 
Be very suspicious if they offer a coupon for breast augmentation after you are done.

Offline FredL

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But it's a legitimate concern. It's a slippery slope when you go to a plastic surgeon. Like any business, they want to keep you as a customer and they'll offer you discount coupons on botox, eye and neck lifts, and similar kinds of things.
Be very suspicious if they offer a coupon for breast augmentation after you are done.
Haha.. that's a good one. You never know. If I miss them I might want them put back. 


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