Author Topic: The bra or the breasts?  (Read 11355 times)

Offline expedient-traveller

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You are not kidding! When I first tried a compression sports bra, my ribs hurt for days to a week. The bra was compressing my breasts but also compressing my ribs as well. Once things compressed (ribs) and the bra stretched a small amount, the rib pains went away but it was not fun. It felt like someone kicked me in the ribs, but it did go away.

Offline TigerPaws

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You are not kidding! When I first tried a compression sports bra, my ribs hurt for days to a week. The bra was compressing my breasts but also compressing my ribs as well. Once things compressed (ribs) and the bra stretched a small amount, the rib pains went away but it was not fun. It felt like someone kicked me in the ribs, but it did go away.
Welcome to what women have been complaining about for years. Big bouncy breasts are a pain...


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Tell me about it!

Offline expedient-traveller

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I never thought I would be in a position to say this but...I understand. I went from a humble 44 A/B to a not so humble 44D and completely understand the bouncing and jiggling and the pain involved in the back, sides, upper chest area as though something is pulling your skin and muscles down and have been forced to change how I walk due to the bounce factor. I have to take slightly smaller steps to keep the bouncing to a minimum. I switched from compressive sports bras to far, far more comfortable leisure bras. Less support but much more a cost.

Offline island dude

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For comfort I began to move from sports bra, to molded cup, and underwire. The concealment comes from controlling movement. The few looks I have gotten in the past came from the attention drawn from movement, not size or projection. At leart that's what I've convinced myself of. My thought Is reduce movement, less attention, up to a size point, this might workout for a C cup or less. Not sure as have yet to arrive a that level of growth, B/C cup at this time. Not much else one can do, surgery just does not seem prudent thing to do at this stage, with no guarantee of no future growth. So comfort seems to me a good choose.  


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I'm a H cup and I would have to agree with you, that to stop the bouncing and swaying is better for concealment then many other things!


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