Author Topic: Frequent Growth Spurts?  (Read 16490 times)


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I was curious how frequent growth spurts may be for gynecomastia? Anything on Google just continues to point to women and their stages of life where it may occur often. But for men, am curious. I woke up this morning and my breasts are sore and relative to the growth spurt feeling I had a month or so ago. Dull aches, sense of fullness on the outer breast and subtle pain in the center. 

I’m getting a bit concerned as I feel even as a full b cup it is more volume than shape. Allowing me to hide what’s going on a bit easier than others. And after the last spurt my shape to me seems to be much more present particularly in the under bust that has filled out. 

I have come to appreciate my assets and see them as such not an insecurity. But it is a bit of a concern as to why they may be growing more now than in recent years past. Especially when my hormones overall seem to be working fine in other areas that wouldn’t give indication of something still wrong. 

Offline JJ_Gyne

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For me .. without really logging it I would say maybe 3 times a year do I get the really the "holy crap this is not normal feelin"

I can for sure 1 of the times per year seems to be a sept oct occurrence been spot on the last 3 yrs.
I can't for sure correlate that I see sizeable growth post period of excessive comfortability.
But for around a month chest seems to be doing a thing.. 

This morning I had the severely itchiness behind the areola on my right breast. I had the itchy symptom the most. Ha i guess I wouldn't be too upset if my right boob was grow ing a bit. Balance my out a bit as right side is the runt of the liter. HA.

Online Justagirl💃

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Over the past three years I have lost 8" off my band size, but went from a D cup to F cup.
We were figuring if out at Torrid and with sister sizing it means I have lost zero breast tissue with 130 pounds weight loss.
The assist. manager said, "how is that possible, my bust is the first place I lose?"
I guess those growing pains were my boobs just filling in as I went.
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline taxmapper

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First, unless you go under the knife, the growth spurts are fairly random. 
In my personal aspect I am actually feeling one as I write this, and my growth started in either 2018 or 2019 depending on what was happening. 
(I am not sure on it). 
They will continue to grow pretty much for the rest of your life, and as they get bigger and/or change shape, you will find unusual sensations and discomfort/pain as time progresses. 

There are pictures of women who were in the A-B cup range in their 20's and are D-DD-F cup in their 50-60's. 

As friend of mine put it..

Welcome to womanhood. 

Online Justagirl💃

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First, unless you go under the knife, the growth spurts are fairly random.
In my personal aspect I am actually feeling one as I write this, and my growth started in either 2018 or 2019 depending on what was happening.
(I am not sure on it).
They will continue to grow pretty much for the rest of your life, and as they get bigger and/or change shape, you will find unusual sensations and discomfort/pain as time progresses.

There are pictures of women who were in the A-B cup range in their 20's and are D-DD-F cup in their 50-60's.

As friend of mine put it..

Welcome to womanhood.
Yeah, I graduated high school at about a C cup, and here I am filling an F 


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JJ, it is funny you say that, it is typically the fall when I have noticed growth of any sort. It’s always been small and typically noticeable to me but not nearly close to being noticeable to others. And after the recent one I had it felt like my chest was a balloon being blown up. Just pressure and pain but luckily in the end wasn’t terrible in regard to change. Which just made me curious if my breasts have made its foundation and now is building the structure during the spurt I had if that makes sense. Idk. 

JustaGirl I’m glad you had such great weight loss. Taking care of health is so vital and while we can never determine if things will happen health wise or not to us. As perfectly healthy people, get hit with the worst circumstances, doing our diligence to take care of things while we can, is great to do and see and make the changes when needed. I’m glad you have lost any and all weight you have and hope you’re feeling well and doing great! Given your transition I’m happy you have gone up in cup size rather lose it. 

Tax, do they know what caused your growth? Unsure if flat at the time of growth occurring initially but your breasts are quite full and growth in a short time frame of a few years in that case. Unsure your cup size but hope you have found to manage it well and if relationships and such are involved hope it hasn’t been to detrimental in self and others adjusting to your bust. 
Curious why you think my breasts will continue to grow? I’m not opposed to the idea lol but of course reality as a man in his late 30s the reality of it were to be is a line that’s wobbly to walk lol. I know women’s breasts grow all their life and some more in stages than others like pregnancy, menopause, general life and growth. But as a man I’d imagine my body would get its head out of its a** eventually 

Offline taxmapper

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It probably wont be a "huge' growth factor. But from a (this is going to sound strange) engineering standpoint, growth may not necessarily mean popping out front, but also internally. 
From a medical standpoint, the breast grow out under the subdermal fat essence pushing from the facia and diaphragm underneth. They can also grow sideways and give you the "underarm boob" that when loaded up into a bra will fill the cups up. 
Being in the 30’s means unless you die suddenly your going to change as you get older.

My growth started at 50 years old, and at 56 am now pushing into a C cup.  If things go the way I think, I may be much larger much sooner. 

(Ironically, I am still not at the pencil holding phase yet) which tells me I may get quite large in the end. 

Offline JJ_Gyne

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@Dudewithboobs - I don't want to scare you and its not a given that it will happen for you the same way. But when I first sensed and subsequently started developing I was 39 and had a flat chest.
In little more than 5yrs .. well you all have probably seen what my chest is like now.

The initial spurt was a swell up to high B low C over a few years ... since then hello D's.

Even though we all may share similarities across the bored in the end we are all different.. just relaying my experience.


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Tax, every time I think I know anything about boobs things like your post come around and make me go there’s clearly a calculus to the understanding of this and I’m barely doing algebra lol. 

JJ, it’s not a scaring me thing per se. But as comfortable and adjusted I’ve come to be with my breast growth there is a side lined paranoia that cheers itself on when things like this occur and make me so anxious. In late 30s with a kid and wife and active in things involving family and whatnot, it just makes me nervous that I’m gonna end up with noticeable boobs and have to quit doing things I love like coaching sports, or swimming or certain family events because I’m happy go lucky in every area but defer to involve myself due to worrying about my boobs being a concern to others 

Offline taxmapper

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the pic below is me a few min. ago. 

The bra I am wearing is one I purchased about 2 years ago. At that time I barely filled it on my right side and had a gap on the left. 

Both the girls are now filling them and that bra has only been worn 3 times and washed once.  so it hasn't shrunk or stretched for that matter.  

In fact I may have to size up soon given that the cup is pressing against my right side enough to have slight discomfort now. 

Personally I love it.  


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The bra looks great underneath. From that angle looks like it hides well enough to show some but not enough to draw attention

This is without a bra at the moment. Type and fit I wear when jogging. Typically wear a shade darker when running now to hide my bra straps for pullovers a little easier
« Last Edit: October 21, 2024, 01:21:33 PM by Dudewithboobs »

Offline WPW717

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My growth and rapid sequence of spurts started at 70. Lots of pain ( nipple) and itching. Rapid progress to a C cup. Then a filling out to armpit boob later as I went to D cup from elevated prolactin. With a weight loss like Birdie I suspect there was an aromatase process that converted T to E. It happened to me when I came down 45 lbs in 8 months. We are all so different with similar outcomes.
Glad we all have gathered to commiserate. 
I do aim for stealth in the presentation department but I have rapidly become okay with the concept of I don’t care who notices. A function of my age ?
There might be a noticeable distinction between young vs old in that department but I don’t know as I am not often around youngsters (35-55). 
    Anyone? …
Regards, Bob


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I’m late 30s often feeling like a young kid here lol I say that not to insult at all but at my age it’s been tough to deal with the fact my body is contrary to my efforts continued to grow here and there. I’ve yet to develope the i don’t care mentality and believe that may be due to not having total freedom in wearing a bra such as round family and friends. But as they’ve grown I have gotten more comfortable with the subject if it were to be presented or brought up. I also have more of a Gambino than Barbie attitude toward things lol which helps. I do think with age just comes comfort in the ins and outs of life and changes that come with it. Circumstances may alter the comfort of it but it builds and gets better regardless 

Offline taxmapper

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The weight loss is an interesting aspect.  I told everyone I fell about 30 lbs from Dec. of last year to about a month ago. 

Last night I was back up to 215.    Boobs are going back up to 50 inches and I am feeling constant growth feelings. More intense than the original "pop rock" sensation, but alot more painful too. 

Again, the estrogen may be doing this, but I want them bigger. 

MUCH bigger.  

I am becoming very satisfied with boobage and do NOT want to loose them!  Fells more natural now. 


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Isn’t it odd how this side of the forum has become so accepting of their bosoms that we often find the growth that may occur welcoming and rewarding 


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