Author Topic: Frequent Growth Spurts?  (Read 16280 times)

Offline WPW717

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Taxmapper & Justagirl

Sounds as if you might be on other BP cardiac meds. Please note that the Spironolactone has a propensity to cause potassium levels to creep up to concerning levels. If you eat or drink grapefruit or the juice it affects the P450 enzyme system. It can rapidly place one into an overdose situation for the Spiro and causing even more hyperkalemia.

Care must be taken…
Regards, Bob

Offline taxmapper

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The doc was specific about that.  My suspicion is that Ill be getting an order shortly for a lab test. 

What is interesting and I am actually very excited about, is that my testosterone spikes and headaches are tapering off finally!!!

Offline WPW717

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Are they considering an MRI ( contrasted ) for the Sella Turcica ?


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Glad to hear your health seems to be tapering toward better days. 


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This past week, has brought on more pain and aching than I can recall in prior spurts. Primarily on the side of my breasts where a much more fuller feeling is felt. I’m not sure if it’s related to just holidays or water weight. Or genuine growth. But for the last several days it’s gotten increasingly more felt in the ache and pain of things. Id severity of pain in any way correlated to growth to come or can it just be aches and nothing sometimes? 

Offline Traveler

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Pain is growth! 😉

Offline AlfaQ

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Anybody else getting messages saying the site is not secure?  It's been happening for a couple of days. I have to bypass the warnings to enter the site now .

Offline taxmapper

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Windows changed the certificate system and updates are needed. 


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Thanks traveler lol. It seems so. Pain has subsided a bit and doing a pinch test tissue is for sure expanded. Unsure how much but I feel it was definitely a growth spurt 

Offline Parity

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  I don't know if reading these posts had an affect on me but last night was the worst I have ever had.  I got very little sleep.  My breast were just sore, not painfully, just a achy.  At times it felt like there was a pushing and then waves of sharp tingling from deep within the breast funneling to the nipple feeling as if it was being pulled out.  That would last 10-15 seconds and subside, then to return in waves all night.  It was kind of fun in a way.  This morning they are just sore.  I couldn't wait to put a bra on and feel the light pressure surround them.  It's been a while so I guess I'm still growing.

Offline taxmapper

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Ahh the microscopic poprock sensation.   you will feel it repeatedly for a while.   its a bit disconcerting at times given you could spit out poprocks, but this your stuck with. 

just means the girls are a grown... 


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Agree with tax. Anytime that sensation comes along it’s pretty clear confirmation that growth is happening. May be subtle and not noticed. May be more than you’d expect. 

Offline Parity

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Well its been a solid three days of off and on tingling and throbbing.  As I'm sitting here there are still pulses of what feels like electric current beginning at the base and ending at the nipple.  They just feel a bit fuller.  Time will tell.  Again the bra most comfortable is one that has and allows some stretch. My minimizer has been a no go.  I don't dislike the sensations but am hoping growth isn't to much.


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The electric current feeling to the nipple area definitely sounds like growth to me. Hoping if nothing comes from it is the hope that the hope is what’s received when it decreases or goes away 

Offline WPW717

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Had all those sensations 

Not having them now, but I have been on E2 low dose prophylactic dose patch. Weakest dose provides no measurable blood level, next level 3 months ago after dosage increases has barely been measured beyond 16pg/ml. Should be closer to 50. But the incredibly horrid hot flashes are weak and infrequent now. Bonus. No T therapy due to multiple contraindications (CA) and a bilateral orchiectomy. MEN Syndrome makes T therapy a no go.

But  in line  with the topic  at  hand no ‘ pop rocks ‘ sensation  but out of curiosity I thought I should measure the bust size again, whoa, an inch increase. 

The Prolactinoma is under control according to the last labs so no growth from that aspect. I suspect that the E2 prophy is the cause …. Whodda thunk a minuscule sub therapeutic dose could do this …


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