Author Topic: Will Insurance cover a Revision if it...  (Read 1952 times)

Offline NoMoreBoobies

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Covered the first operation?  I'm pretty positive I need a revision eventhough my surgeon is telling me that there is no breast tissue it only scar tissue, but I have a loose free floating pea sized lump under my right nipple and it has to be breast tissue.  I haven't actually asked him for a revision, I just went and saw him after 6.5 months and he told me to keep massaging(which this hasn't gotten me anywhere).  My chest looks a hell of alot better than it did, but there is so much tissue or fat or something under there that my nipples are just as puffy as before.  Do you think my insurance will cover the revision?  They covered the first operation.  By the way it is BCBS and i had excision and lipo done.


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