Author Topic: My pics- what to do?  (Read 6949 times)

Offline 32__flavors

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they're my pics, not good actually. Only my right boob shows gyne, but my left one sometime is painful (more annoyance then pain).
Only have gyne since spring/summer (noticed by case this summer).

Should I get the surgery?

Offline Vanatu

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You are at a pretty low body fat percentage, so i think this is definetly gynecomastia.
I think if IT bothers YOU and if surgery will make you happy, i think you should do it. I myself plan to have surgery hopefully soon.

Offline mrfantastic5

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wow.. i woudln't say too much about the body/fat percentage..

it just looks like ur anorexic.

a low body fat percentage is only nice when you have some muscle defention and u don't look anorexic.

i mean i'm sure many of you will argue with me about this and claim some people are just like this naturally..

but just take my word on it.  Somone who looks like this individual wants to look like this.  

anyway.. yes you have gyno.  But honestly u should be more concerend with your current physique more than the gyno.

when u reach such a low bodyfat percentage, coupled with such small amounts of lean muscle, ur body virtually shuts down.

cortisol spikes, test lowers, and your hormones become screwy which in fact worsens the gyno in itself.

when did u start to see this kind of thing.. because anorexic males sometimes have breast growth again because hormones become all fucked up when u have no fat, or lean muscle.

Offline mrfantastic5

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i only say this because again i looked like you at 16 in highschool when i ran competitively and basically looked like u with the shoulder blades protruding in that mannor, and the clavical very pronnounced.

the diet i maintained wasn't quite anorexic, but comapired with how much physical activity i was doing it was pretty much that.

in fact, it was when i got to look like that that my gyno became so noticeable... Before no one would even call it gyno and i do not know if it became worse/stareted/or what

all i know is i felt like shit, i stopped growing any kind of facial hair, i didn't have a hard on for about 2 months, and eventually my body just shut down stared having joint pain and had to quit running.

anyway man, if gyno is causing you to be anorexic.. DEFINATLY get the surgery, and put on some weight before u darn yourself up severely

Offline 32__flavors

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ok, thank you for your replies, but please don't offend verbally (sorry for my bad english).

I AM NOT ANOREXIC, I've always been like that (50 kg, 1,67 cm), even though I did some sport and had grown up in the countryside and spent all my childhood running and playing with friends outside. My father has a very similar body, very very thin, but he's 70 now, well alive, had 3 guys. I understand however that most of this forum users like to work their bodies and building up muscles and so on, I don't care at all about that, I'm perfectly ok with my body and eat from normally to a lot.

Gyno instead is something that is not normal, I feel it like something absurd and really want to get freed of it, that's all; the annoying pain at the right part of my chest also doesn't allow me to forget that I have gyno.
I just would like to know if this gyno could go away by itself or if I need a surgery; infact, I read in a book that painful gyno is not chronical and tends to grow back.

Offline Vanatu

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I think mrfantastic went a little overboard on his post. Like you say, you're not anorexic and maybe you don't excercise a lot now? We all have different metabolisms, i once knew a guy when i was young, he pretty much looked like he was anorexic. But he was always eating and he never exercised still he was very skinny. He once tried to gain some weight by eating until he stuffed at every meal(for a month) still he didn't gain anything(noticeble). I on the otherhand gain weight easily, if i ate like some of the people i know, who are "average" people and have "average" physics while they'd stay the same i'd fatten up and bloat.

Moral of the story:
We are different, we have different metabolisms, our bodies are different. He doesn't neccesarily have anorexia.

Offline limaecho

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You don't even look anorexic anyway, you are just of a very slim build - like a long distance runner. I would say you definately need surgery to get rid of them. Book a consultation with a surgeon and see what he reccomends. Hope it all goes well  :)

Offline markashleigh1979

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Could the low body weight be connected to the gyne? is it affecting the test the body is producing, which in tern is increasing the eostogen levels compared to test?

Has your dad got gyne ?
« Last Edit: February 04, 2006, 02:11:52 AM by markashleigh1979 »

Offline Worrier

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I read somewhere that putting on alot of weight lowers test levels also as the balance of test/ estrogen goes in favour of estrogen . I think a happy medium is best. :-/

Offline Bakajin

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lots of people are naturally slender.  In countries with lower levels of obesity its pretty common to see guys who are naturally that thin so I think its unlikely the gyno is the cause of 31_flavour's build.  

its only a minor case and isn't really that noticable.  However it is definitely there and if surgery will make you feel better and you can afford it easily then you should go for it.  It should not be a difficult operation and should not be a difficult recovery.

Offline 32__flavors

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Could the low body weight be connected to the gyne? is it affecting the test the body is producing, which in tern is increasing the eostogen levels compared to test?

Has your dad got gyne ?

nope, my father has not got gyne. My brother did though, but he's got a very good muscular body (but he's gaining a lot of weight).

Thank you guys for your replies, I'm 1 week late but tomorrow I'll go to the surgeon to try to arrange everything.
ciao  ;)

Offline tonysoprano

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bonjourno amico,

you definitely have it.

did you say you were 50 kg in those pics ? thats really pretty thin, but doesnt mean you are anorexic at all. if you are that thin without trying to be then I think youre fine..

how old are you ?


... and the saga continues

Offline 32__flavors

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bonjourno amico,

you definitely have it.

did you say you were 50 kg in those pics ? thats really pretty thin, but doesnt mean you are anorexic at all. if you are that thin without trying to be then I think youre fine..

how old are you ?



I'm 26 :)

I leave to you that very healthy food, so good for liver I guess

You can se my story here;action=display;num=1140117888

Offline intilt

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 :-[Man, bad case.
never drop you tshirt in public. only when alone, because is very bady.
Go to the doctor fast.

Offline markashleigh1979

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INTILT: ha ha , wise words.......if i ever have a problem i will come to you first :)


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