Author Topic: Started when I was 18 in college...  (Read 3088 times)

Offline Tompickles

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I'm 18 and this started to me about 3 months ago.  I think it was a day or so after I lifted weights, and noticed my chest was really sore then the nipples started hurting.

I've bene to 3 different doctors, and they have all said it's probably hormornes and one scheduled a followup in a few months but nobody said much about it.

My nipples have gotten puffier over the 3 months and they have always hurted if you put pressure on them.  The left is a little worse than the right.  It seems as though extra fat is surrounding the nipple as well.  I definetly feel the hard discs under the nipple as well.  Sometimes the nipples aren't big at all, but they still hurt when pressure is applied.

In the past 2 months I have noticed hair growing around both of my nipples, and getting more and thicker hair as the months go on.  Could this be anything to do with it?

What could be the problem?  
« Last Edit: March 29, 2006, 02:49:59 AM by Tompickles »

Offline Tompickles

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I'm not as worried with the actual problem, but with what else has caused this.  That's what worriest me sick.

Offline kindherb42

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Besides lifting weights, did you start doing anything you havn't done before or doing something a lot more now then you did before?

For example smoke lots of weed or drink massive amounts of alcohol? lol

Offline Tompickles

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No, but that same week I did have half of a beer for the first time.  I got liver tested at the doctor (blood test) to make sure it was okay and they came back fine.

Could other things such as caffeine cause this? I don't do drugs or anything and I'm trying to figure this out.

Offline nitrix17

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the same exact thing happened to me when i hit puberty. the disc went away, and so did the pain, lets hope its the same for you. and i dont think half a beer will do anything at all to ya buddy. ive got 15 year old friends that drink muchhhhhh more than that every weekend.

Offline Tompickles

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But I'm 18 - not really in Puberty?! right?

I don't have facial hair / cheste hair but its growing around my nipple.  But I thoguth if it happened in puberty it was like at the age of 14 or soemthing.   :-/

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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It's no big deal or anything, but some people extend through puberty through their teens into early 20' joke! I probably saw the last remnants of puberty when I was 18, that's when the rest of my facial hair filled it's VERY likely you could still be seeing hormone fluctuations...I'd go see an endo. Take care buddy, -J.

Offline Tompickles

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Could it be more serious?!  My doctor said it wasn't and he would see me at the end of the school year (Early June) and determine if I should get those blood tests for hormone levels....

If those turn out to have problems, what would happen to me?  This is so freaky/depressing

Offline IlluminaZero

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Communicate to him just how concerned you are, and how it's causing anxieties that are (from my observations) interfering with your daily life.

Doctors can oftentimes be somewhat apathetic about things that they view as benign, often ignoring or ignorant to emotional issues patients have. Communicate that.

It may not just be Gynecomastia, it can potentially be something worse. It probably isn't of course, however no one knows the quirks of your body better then yourself.

It's very likely that you are experiencing a late puberty as someone earlier said. I've heard that some guys finish puberty as late as 23-25.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I was still singing soprano in my late twenties. Puberty lasted almost to age of 35 in my case.

The range of "Normal" is indeed very wide.
Grandpa Dan


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its all very well the doctors say oh it may  be your hormones ect but in the mean time they expect us to go away and grow breasts! sorry not a very constructive posting, I would suggest you move on this asap. ALSO I NO YOU GUYS ARENT IN ENGLAND WITH ARE CRAP NHS

Offline Cabron

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Like nitrix said same thing happend to me when i wash hiting puberty.Im 28 now and the gland and puffy niple have remained for me.What im thinking about your ptoblem is that you have started to work out and lifting wieghts stimulates endogenous testosteron levels to rise.Testeosteron through trhough an enzime called aromatise can change to estrogen...and estrogen can cause gyno.Allways when i restart to work out i get acnea on my back...this is a testosteron level rise up sign too.I dont know and im not sure that work out stimulates the body own testosteron so much that you can make gyno from it but maybe there are people like you that are prom to it and have very sensitive estrogen receptors.If your gyno is just 3 month old i would try in your place to put my hands somehow on nolvadex(tamoxifen)and take 20 mg a day(a pill).It can help your gyno go away if the gyno is so young.I have saw in my life bodybuilders who have got gyno from steroid use and i have saw those gynos treated with nolva in some cases,so maybee worth a try.Good luck...


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