Author Topic: Off to college--what to do?  (Read 2700 times)

Offline joshh_87

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I've had "gyne" for as long as I can remember (puberty onward). It isn't as bad as some of the severe cases I've seen on the web, but very noticeable and embarrasing (aviod the pool like the plague, never in public without a shirt, hiding the condition is my sole concern as far as clothing goes). Was hell in middle school and even some of high school, and the social and emotional stigma from it has continued affecting me to this day. I used to be quite overweight, but I've lost a considerable amount of weight which has improved the situation some, but made the condition more noticeable as well. I'm 18, recently graduated high school and going off to college in about 5 weeks. I want to do something about it, but with only a few weeks left, my options seem very limited. I live in rural Georgia, and I'm going to college in Washington, DC, which certainly complicates things if I embark on some sort of treatment now.

Basically, I'm trying to figure out what, if any, treatment I could start now that would permit me to move in a few weeks. Is surgery even realistic? What non-surgical approaches would be possible? What sort of timeline have others worked on as far as from the first consult to post-op?

I certainly wish that I would've dealt with this earlier, but such is life. I'd rather not have this problem follow me into college. I'm also doing ROTC in college, and I'm worried about how having gyne might complicate things in that kind of military environment. Any advice?

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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yeah, surgery is very terms of improvement if attended to by a good surgeon.

on side note, most of the people i've read posts from on this forum, well we're young.. 16-25 age group.. and especially at ages like you and me (i'm 19) coming by with say a couple of thousand dollars isn't too easy.

but personally. i believe that surgery is worth the money. i am willing to do anythign to be emancipated of this. check with your insurance company if they give you coverage for gyne (atleast gland removal).

Offline Tallguy

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1) Here is a link to a PS in Atlanta. Call and get an appointment. Find out what your options are.

2) Since you are moving to Washington D.C., you might want to contact Dr. Bermant since he is in Virginia.

You might be able to get it done before school starts or maybe over Xmas break.

Carpe Diem!! Good Luck



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The best thing to do is STUDY, study, study, the first semester of college or you will not have to worry about the second semester .

I had boobs in college & did not worry about them.  No problem with dates, plenty of girls available.


Offline joshh_87

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Thanks for all the replies and advice. I've contacted the PS in Atlanta (thanks for the link) and will let you know what happens. Main problem right now is figuring out if there's enough time before I go to college.

Anyway, see what happens...

Offline makesmesad

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This was one of the reasons I got surgery. Im heading into college and I am tired of being governed by my warddrobe too and looking forward to college now  ;D

This site made me do it! Hope it helps you too, it feels great to be done (Albeit very sore because of VERY severe swelling) But hey, Pain is temporary and by college itll be gone :)


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