Author Topic: endocrinologist  (Read 4496 times)

Offline wanting_info

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Does anyone know of an endocrinologist that is familiar and willing to prescribe tamoxifen or raloxifene around the Nashville TN region.  Can also travel to near by states, just need a endocrinologist that is sympathetic to adolescents and familiar with these meds.

Thanks for all your help in advance

Offline axkiker

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i second this.  

i live in louisville ky so i will gladly drive to nashville or nearby .  if anyone knows of one let us know

help help help

Offline marctrex

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Does anyone know of an endocrinologist that is familiar and willing to prescribe tamoxifen or raloxifene around the Nashville TN region.  Can also travel to near by states, just need a endocrinologist that is sympathetic to adolescents and familiar with these meds.

No responsible doctor will prescribe tamoxifen or raloxifene to any adolescents.  

You need to wait until you are at least 25 years old to be taking these medications because they will cause your bone growth plates to close and stunt other forms of growth.

These drugs are really designed for older women with breast cancer but they work for preventing gyno in males because they flood the estrogen receptors.  They will not be effective in reducing the size of existing glanular tissue.  There are other medications that will do that, but unfortunately you are too young to be taking those as well.

Don't believe the hype about tamoxifen, it will NOT cure gyno.

Any doctor that prescribes these medications to adolescents probably does not know anything about these medications.  If you did get a prescription I would hope that the pharmacist would catch-on and refuse to fill the prescription.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2006, 09:56:50 PM by marctrex »

Offline Shattered_Nyte

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I have an appointment with a Endocrinologist.The appointment was made yesterday.Can you guess when the appointment is???

Offline Puff_daddy

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hey marctrex,

Are you a doctor??

i am 20 and my endo wrote me up for 3 months of tamoxifen. i would listen to a DOCTOR over you. so guys, go see a DOCTOR and listen to what HE/SHE has to say about your condition and possible treatments.
Ripped With NIPS

Offline marctrex

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hey marctrex,

Are you a doctor??

i am 20 and my endo wrote me up for 3 months of tamoxifen. i would listen to a DOCTOR over you. so guys, go see a DOCTOR and listen to what HE/SHE has to say about your condition and possible treatments.

I know that tamoxifen can be harmful to a young male's growth.  It might not be as apparent when you are 20 because your bones may be done growing, but it's still not a good idea.  

Some doctors say that 21 years old should be the cut-off age, others say 25 years old.  It's definitely really bad for anyone under 18 years old.   However, the exact cut-off age varies from person-to-person.  I said 25 years old to be on the safe side.  By 25 years old the vast majority of people are done growing.

I always question my doctors and you be surprised how little some of them actually know.  I had an arguement with an oral surgeon yesterday who thought it was alright to prescribe amoxicillin to a patient who is allergic to penicillin.  

Ask Dr. Miguel Delgado about the use of tamoxifen.  He is on this site.  Email him and see what he says.  I am sure if you got a second opinion you might hear something completely different.   What state do you live in?

Taking tamoxifen for your purposes conceals the estrogen problem, but will not solve it.  It will stop the estrogen from getting to receptors but it will not cure the problem.  As soon as you stop taking the tamoxifen the estrogen will once again reach the receptors and your problem will persist.  Does your endo expect you to take the tamoxifen for the rest of your life?  

Also don't expect any miracles here.  Tamoxifen will stop more glandular tissue from forming, but it will not reverse all of the pre-existing glandular tissue once it's formed.  Some studies say otherwise, but based on what I have seen personally it does not remove the glandular tissue, it may *temporarily* shrink the mass, but it is only temporary.  I hate to be discouraging here, but we need to be realistic.
« Last Edit: November 05, 2006, 03:41:02 PM by marctrex »

Offline wanting_info

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hope someone knows of a endocrinologist that they can recommend soon.  I can travel to near-by states if someone knows someone good.  

I am not trying to generate a discussion about the pros and cons of the medication,  you can save your thoughts about this for another poster.  I have already made up my mind , I just want to get a good recomendation for an endocrinologist!!!

Offline Puff_daddy

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ok then. it sounds like you have a little knowledge in pharmaceuticals. Also using the tamoxifen for other reasons which you can probably guess if you know other uses for the drug. What is a pill that doesnt just block estrogen binding but will perhaps lessen the gynes current size? also, Do you have Gyne?

Offline marctrex

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Also using the tamoxifen for other reasons which you can probably guess if you know other uses for the drug.

Ok, that makes more sense!  I could totally see an endo prescribing tamoxifen to a 20 year old if they are using it for it's intended use.  Chances are you are done growing and it will probably be safe.  However, I can't see them prescribing it to someone your age solely for cosmetic (elective) purposes due to the potential risks involved with adolescents.

What is a pill that doesnt just block estrogen binding but will perhaps lessen the gynes current size? also, Do you have Gyne?

There is no miracle pill.  Surgery is the only real cure.

However, I have heard that the aromatase inhibiting drugs; Femara, Aromasin, and  Arimidex (in that order of effectiveness) have temporarily reduced the size of glandular masses in some patients to a rather limited degree.

But only expect a slight improvement with these drugs over the course of several weeks and not miracles.  

These drugs also have their share of potential side effects so your endo may be reluctant to prescribe them.  However people take these drugs for the same other reasons that they take tamoxifen.  Often times arimidex is prescribed when tamoxifen doesn't work well.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2006, 06:39:41 PM by marctrex »

Offline Puff_daddy

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How bad is your case of gyne?

Offline marctrex

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How bad is your case of gyne?

Not bad at all.  

I had mine checked out with an ultrasound and a mammogram and they told me that it's completely adipose (fat) tissue.

I had a really great chest until I stopped working out, eating garbage, and sitting on my ass like 5 years ago.  I went from 185 lbs to 230 lbs.  Around 2 years ago I went on a diet and lost all the weight I gained except in the chest area.  I have well defined abs, but I hold most of my fat in the axilla area of my chest on the sides near my armpits, not behind the nipples.  This fat seems like isolated A2 rich fat deposits which are nearly impossible to lose through diet and exercise.  I have no sensitivity in the chest area. Basically I need liposuction done.

I originally went to 3 plastic surgeons who told me that they needed to do glandular excision, but after going to an oncologist and having those tests run I found out that I don't really have any glandular tissue.  So I'll bring these images to a few plastic surgeons and see what they have to say now.

I have tried arimidex without any luck.  However diet and exercise has gradually reduced the problem to a degree.

Offline Puff_daddy

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you are lucky. i wish all i had to do was lose weight to change the appearance. i have been serious into lifting weights for 5 years and i have very little fat on my chest and ugly puffy nipples with tissue behind them. FUKKK!!!!

good luck with the weight loss!

Offline marctrex

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Why don't you get the surgery done?  How long have you had this problem?

Offline marctrex

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you are lucky. i wish all i had to do was lose weight to change the appearance.

good luck with the weight loss!

Thanks.  It's gradually getting better, but despite being around 10% bodyfat I still have fat in the pectoral area.  It's not the type of fat that reacts well to diet or exercise.


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