Author Topic: Just got back from surgery with fielding  (Read 2249 times)

Offline bossman

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Im in pain, its hard to move.  Im wearing the foam pads and the tensor bandage for a week then ill wear the tensor and the vest i bought from for 2 weeks.  It feels like the foam pads are slipping down.  Were you guys in pain that you could hardly move after your surgery??

Offline Give me Life

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Congratulation for your surgery.

Pain depends on individual. Some people never get any. I never had a pain in my 1 month post op. Yes, you feel discomfort first few days due to form pad and bandage. And specially when yu have to sleep just on your back. You cann't move arround. That's the toughest part in post op. I use to sleep on Sofa as I felt that more comfortable than my bed.

If you feel more pain then watch for hamatoma. That may be the case. But wait for another day and if pain still remain than you may want to check it out.

Surgery done on Sept 6th, 2006 with Dr. Fielding - Toronto. Not 100% cured but will get there for sure !!!

Revision done on December 7th, 2007. Let's hope for best !!!

Dr. Fielding
Suite #401, 2425 Bloor Street West, Toronto

Tel: 416.766.88

Offline bossman

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how are you supposed to know if you have hematoma if your're wearing the foam pads and the tensor bandage for a week??

Offline chopemoff

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hey dude, congrats on your op!

the first day after surgery I felt discomfort and arm movement was limited. pushing yourself around a bed with your elbows and lifting your as$ to try and rearrange felt like it was putting pressure on the chest and area operated on as well.

a bit of pain for me but not searing pain where I need PK's. I had on wednesday, by friday I was much MUCH more agile with movements and the ability to lift my arms and get shirts on etc.

the foam pads are glued on fairly well so I wouldn't worry about them slipping. try readjusting your tensor, it may be sitting too low on your back. get someone to help you for the first day or two if you need to rearrange it.

I just discoverd a crisscrossing method with the wide ones I still have from the hospital. start with one end in the middle of your chest, it then goes behind you, comes around, goes diagonally up over the shoulder, behind, and around to under your armpit area so you can clamp it.  You should have two tensors so I did this mirrored on each side.

this way you'll have compression from all sides of the pec and it won't slip down as I found it would. I felt like a chick on Jerry Springer pulling up her tube top after a fight sometimes haha.

as far as hematomas go, I think the things to watch for there are just severe pain and the feeling of excessive swelling, usually just in one side. if one is significantly worse than the other, you may wanna give the doc a call.

hope this helps! good luck recovering, the pain subsides quickly, your mobility resumes in no time and it goes faster than you think and all of a sudden you're titty free!

good luck bro.


« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 06:34:22 AM by chopemoff »

Offline bossman

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hey dude, congrats on your op!

the first day after surgery I felt discomfort and arm movement was limited. pushing yourself around a bed with your elbows and lifting your as$ to try and rearrange felt like it was putting pressure on the chest and area operated on as well.

a bit of pain for me but not searing pain where I need PK's. I had on wednesday, by friday I was much MUCH more agile with movements and the ability to lift my arms and get shirts on etc.

the foam pads are glued on fairly well so I wouldn't worry about them slipping. try readjusting your tensor, it may be sitting too low on your back. get someone to help you for the first day or two if you need to rearrange it.

I just discoverd a crisscrossing method with the wide ones I still have from the hospital. start with one end in the middle of your chest, it then goes behind you, comes around, goes diagonally up over the shoulder, behind, and around to under your armpit area so you can clamp it.  You should have two tensors so I did this mirrored on each side.

this way you'll have compression from all sides of the pec and it won't slip down as I found it would. I felt like a chick on Jerry Springer pulling up her tube top after a fight sometimes haha.

as far as hematomas go, I think the things to watch for there are just severe pain and the feeling of excessive swelling, usually just in one side. if one is significantly worse than the other, you may wanna give the doc a call.

hope this helps! good luck recovering, the pain subsides quickly, your mobility resumes in no time and it goes faster than you think and all of a sudden you're titty free!

good luck bro.


yea its friday now and im feeling alot better.  I just have a little bit of a tingling feeling in my right chest.  Does that mean anything bad??

Offline chopemoff

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I'm not a doc, but I had the same thing. My guess is that it's just our bodies rebuilding, reattaching, and regenerating skin, muscles, nerves, etc.

I had some muscle twitches too, those went away.

When I first took my pads off my right nip was tingly, the feeling you get when your foot "falls asleep". It just seems to be a symptom of the minor swelling I had on the right side, the left side nipple felt almost normal, and the nipple was perky all the time. The right side nipple was/is a bit depressed/rounded but did perk up when I took a shower and got it cold so I assume that when swelling goes away all will be well.

I tried  not to worry myself with early oddities. I've never had a procedure of this magnitude so I wasn't sure how it feels to have your body in a mad rush to heal itself :)

The only thing that would concern me (or you) I think should be intense pain or massive swelling.


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